15/111. Declarations of interest.

Cllr Rawlings is an allotment holder

Public recess.

No public

15/112. Approval of previous minutes.

Page 1 (minute 15/106 – Highways). Cllr Dudman said she had spoken to the school bus co-ordinator rather than to the school.

Following this change, the minutes of the meeting held on 12 November were approved on a proposal by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Bates; all those at the meeting in favour.

15/113. Matters arising/Action points.

Page 1 (minute 15/103 – Action points). Cllrs Brady and Harris did conduct a traffic survey and they noted several problems, particularly with regard to heavy goods vehicles and poorly-parked cars. However, due to budget pressures, SBC has indicated that they cannot provide a temporary camera to gather concrete evidence. The Clerk has invited a representative from Barnes coaches to attend a future meeting of the Environment Committee, with regard to coaches through Badbury, and Cllr Dudman will note any coaches passing through after 9am (e.g. after the school run). Cllr Rawlings also asked that weight limits for certain roads be added to a future agenda.

Page 2 (minute 15/106 – Highways). Cllr Rawlings told the meeting that the illegally parked BMW has been reported to the police again and Cllr Bates reported problems with vehicles blocking the pavement outside the old library. All Councillors are encouraged to report any such incidents to the police.

Page 2 (minute 15/107 – Street furniture). Cllr Cabrera asked about the noticeboard at Chiseldon Camp and the Clerk informed her that this did not belong to the Council

Action points

Cllr Rawlings is in touch with B.Cllr Shaw with regard to the illegally removed hedge at New Road. The matter is being dealt with by Housing.

The Clerk queried the decision to order a new noticeboard for Badbury as the cost is far greater than originally thought. This was dealt with later in the agenda.

All other action points had been actioned.

15/114. Allotments.

Renewal letters have been sent out and payments have begun to come in. There have been no complaints about the increase in fees this year. One of the two plot-holders issued with a notice to terminate their tenancy is now disputing the eviction, and further legal advice will be taken in January.

15/115. Dog bins.

The new dog bin has been installed at the end of Church Street – bringing the total number of bins to 16.

15/116. Highways

Cllr Rawlings told the meeting that the New Road build-out looks like it may not go ahead – as a result of budgetary pressures. B.Cllr Shaw will keep the Council informed.

Cllr Hill reported a request, from the owners of the B&B at the junction of Station Road and New Road, for an extension of the existing yellow lines. The Clerk informed Cllr Hill that this would need to be raised with SBC but that such a scheme would be likely to cost a considerable sum and would, therefore, probably be refused at present.

Cllr Hill also informed the meeting that bus bays will be put in outside the Landmark Hotel next year.

15/117. Street furniture.

The Clerk told the meeting that she had tracked down the previous supplier of village noticeboards and a new board for Badbury would cost £908 plus VAT. Research suggests this is a fairly standard price for a metal board of this type. There is £1000 in the budget to cover the cost but, as the previous meeting voted on the basis of a £200 spend, she felt it right to bring the extra cost to Councillors’ attention before placing an order.

A new noticeboard at a cost of £908 was proposed by Cllr Harris, seconded by Cllr Bates; all at the meeting in favour.

15/118. Village appearance.

Cllr Rawlings asked about ownership of the Green in Badbury and was advised to raise the matter with SBC.

Cllr Hill reported the fact that Stagecoach have offered to pay for the damage caused by one of their buses driving over a verge in Station Road and that SBC would conduct the necessary repairs in the spring.

Cllr Rawlings then mentioned similar damage caused by a removal van at the top of Well Close. The Clerk asked Cllr Rawlings to forward the details of this incident to her replacement, who could then raise it with the company concerned.

Cllr Dudman told the meeting that residents in Badbury would be keen to see ‘no parking’ posts placed outside the Downs View nursing home, and the Clerk reported that costs would need to be met by SBC / the home as there is no budgetary provision for this at present.

15/119. Budget for 2016/17.

The Clerk took the committee’s list of special projects to the November Finance Committee and it was agreed that funding will be sought (as part of the 2016 precept bid) for:

  • A new wire fence at the allotments – estimated cost £100
  • Professional cleaning and decoration of The Old Chapel – estimated cost £2,500
  • Re-plastering of the wall and re-pointing (using lime) at The Old Chapel – estimated cost £1000
  • Clearance of the compost bin at Butts Road cemetery – quote of £868 from Countrywide
  • Provision of a temporary camera to monitor the compost area – estimated cost £100
  • An upgrade in the sensor lighting at The Old Chapel – quote of £300 from S J S
  • Provision of additional litter bins on existing SBC routes – estimated cost £500

The Clerk also informed the meeting that funds for special projects were being split evenly between Environment and Recreation Committees next year.

15/120. AOB.

Cllr Hill asked about piles of leaves at the end of Canney Close as a result of residents working on fences. Cllr Rawlings agreed to ask B.Cllr Shaw if SBC could collect these. Cllr Hill also mentioned issues with dog fouling in long grass at the bottom of Strouds Hill and told the meeting that residents had now cleared the area themselves.

Cllr Hill then mentioned a black Corsa with flat tires parked outside the old Elm Tree pub and was advised to report the matter to the police.

Cllr Dudman reported an attempted break-in at one of her garden buildings. She reported the incident to the police.

The Clerk reported on the Council’s annual fire inspection, which had cost the Environment Committee £64.22 – slightly more than expected as a result of some equipment upgrades that had been required.

The meeting closed at 7.50pm.


Cllr Dudman

15/113 Keep a note of Barnes coaches passing through Badbury after 9am

Cllr Rawlings

15/118 Enquire as to who owns the Green in Badbury (for maintenance purposes)

Send details of the damage caused by a removal company at Well Close to the Clerk

15/120 Speak to B.Cllr Shaw about the removal of leaves at the end of Canney Close


15/113 Add weight limits to the agenda for January (under Highways)

15/114 Seek advice from SLCC concerning the notice period for tenants being asked to vacate an allotment

15/117 Order a new noticeboard for Badbury