19/93 Public recess. 7 members of the public

Residents from Badbury in attendance with relation to item 9 on the agenda – Badbury site SO432 on the SHELAA.

Mr Cohen lead the comments.

This site appeared on the draft SHELAA document at a late stage. Comments to SBC so far have not prompted the removal of this site from the document.

The residents believe that most of the community do not want extra housing in Badbury and not on this site.

They have comments with regards to questions 1 and 3 on the Local Plan consultation document.

Q1. They would like an extra statement provided by their own consultant endorsed by CPC to SBC. This is in relation to document DM22.

Q3. Residents have provided a list of reasons why site SO432 is not suitable for inclusion on the SHELAA. Such as traffic concerns – pedestrian, cycle and vehicle issues, lack of local facilities, proximity to AONB and current linear nature of the hamlet.

The Badbury conservation and management document signed off by SBC in 2009 also details how to preserve this conservation area.

Other residents provided corresponding information.

Ward Cllr Sumner then addressed the meeting:

SBC consultation period has been extended to 5pm on Thurs 26th Sept.

The figure for new homes that SBC have to provide from the Government has been reduced. SBC need to find another 1000 homes up to 2036, apart from larger sites that are already in progress.

The lack of a 5 year housing land supply often means that developers can take rejected applications to appeal and win. Currently Wroughton are suffering after appeals were approved that went against their neighbourhood plan.

The SBC “Call for sites” continues. There is nothing to stop a developer from continuing to submit an application to build on any open land. Once SBC has a 5 year housing land supply, it will be easier to reject inappropriate sites.

When the consultation period is over Planning officers will look at all sites and decide what could be passed by an inspector if they refused an application. They will judge against policy requirements and NPPF criteria.

Ward Cllr Sumner advised that it shouldn’t be down to politicians to interfere with this procedure. It should be down to professional assessment by planning officers. He confirmed he would not be making comment on this site.

The final consultation is in Dec 19/Jan 2020 and will then go to planning inspector for approval.
The inspector has to agree with the reasons why a site is put forward for approval. The public can still comment to the inspector at this stage.

The reality is that a developer could use reasonable argument to get over objections. The available bus links to secondary schools and reasonable walk to local junior school for example.

The residents leave at 20.15

19/94. Co-option of New Cllr.

No candidates have come forward.

19/95 Approval of Apologies given:


19/96 Absence without apologies:


19/97 Declarations of interests & vote on any dispensations applied for.

Cllr Rawlings has an allotment
Cllr Sunners owns the property referred to in item 7 on the agenda
Cllr Harris lives near the site of item 8 on the agenda.

19/98 Approval of minutes from 9th September 2019

No changes

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings that these minutes be therefore accepted; seconded by Cllr Bates, all Cllrs were in favour.

19/99 Action points:

All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified


17/68 All Cllrs to do on-line GDPR training. CHASE CLLRS – some councilors still outstanding to do GDPR training.
Cllrs Harris, Rogers, Kearsey and Rawlings have completed their GDPR training

19/45 Cllr Bates to provide the Clerk with name of jeweler to get quote for, for Chairman’s badge of office. CLERK TO LOOK THIS UP. COMPLETED ACTION. Costs to be voted on in this meeting.


19/70 Talk to Football club to see if they can raise a 50% grant for a defib along with the Tennis Club who are looking for a grant.

19/85 Reply to SBC with Local plan review comments. DONE

19/86,19/87, 19/88, 19/89, 19/90 Reply to SBC with planning with all planning application decisions. DONE

19/91 Work on placement of AED at Badbury BT box. Ongoing – Cllr Rogers has info on St John’s model to follow up on.

19/91 Chase up the Grants committee

19/92 Add all items for next agenda to Oct full council meeting. DONE

19/55 To provide Clerk with location of trees where a letter is needed.DONE – letter being drafted.

Cllr Jefferies

19/56 Write an article for Ridgeway Bell

Cllr Rawlings

19/74 Bring 2 further quotes to full council for further Rec ground drainage issues. DONE – on Oct agenda

19/100 Emergency delegated powers enacted.

To note that Cllr Harris, Cllr Rogers, Cllr Rawlings and the Clerk approved emergency H&S spending on fixing the outside lights at the Rec Hall. Cost £246.35 inc vat.

19/101 Ward Cllr Sumner update

The documents advising of the closure of Dayhouse Lane will be published shortly. Due to start
1st November. The work on J15 M4 and Dayhouse Lane are still a Highways England project.

Ward Cllr Sumner leaves at 20.25

19/102 Planning. Monkey Tree Cottage, High Street. App S/HOU/19/1290 & S/LBC/19/1185 Resurface driveway & demolish & rebuild driveway walls.

Cllr Sunners left the room 20.27

The council had no objections or comments to these plans.

A proposal of NO OBJECTION was raised by Cllr Rawlings. Seconded by Cllr Kearsey and all Cllrs in favour.

Cllr Sunners returned to the room 20.32

19/103 Planning. Extra costs for layby work at Norris Close

Cllr Harris left the room at 20.33 and Cllr Rogers chaired this item.

The SBC highways technical team have reviewed the plans and approved them but with a £7,000 contingency budget to allow for the foundations of the works to be improved if required to stop the new works from sinking/crumbling.

Whilst not ideal the council appreciated the need to create this layby properly so as to not be met with replacement costs in future years due to inadequate foundations.

A proposal was made to accept these potential extra costs on the proviso that there were no more costs involved in this project. Proposal made by Cllr Jefferies, Cllr Rawlings seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

Cllr Harris returns to the room 20.38

19/104. Planning. Local plan review and SHELAA in relation to site SO432 for Badbury.

The Badbury conservation document was reviewed in parts to understand what the document hoped to achieve with regards to Badbury.

After discussion it was decided:

The Parish Council would object to site SO432 in Badbury based mainly on sustainability issues.

To reply to SBC with an objection on site S0432 was proposed by Cllr Bates, seconded by Cllr Rawlings and all Cllrs in favour. Cllr Rogers did not vote.

In regards to an additional paragraph suggested for document DM22 it was felt the suggested wording by residents was too absolute and isn’t applicable for all rural locations.

It was decided the last paragraph would be altered to something similar to “due consideration should be taken when discussing the characteristics of the location”.

It was proposed to delegate to the Clerk to compose a new statement for DM22 with the approval of Cllr Harris and Cllr Jefferies for inclusion in the reply to SBC for the Local plan review. Cllr Kearsey proposed, Cllr Rogers seconded and all Cllrs in favour.

19/105 Finance. Approval of Cllr planning courses x 2 @ £35 per person on 7th Oct

It was proposed to approve this expenditure by Cllr Rogers, seconded by Cllr Bates and all Cllrs in favour.

19/106. Finance. Approval of Finance figures.

(Note – figures delayed due to issue with Santander website issue with savings account and problems transferring to “Making Tax Digital” on accounts package)

May 2019. No questions.

A proposal that the figures were an accurate representation on May 19 expenditure and income was proposed by Cllr Rawlings and seconded by Cllr Sunners. All Cllrs in favour.

June 2019. No questions

A proposal that the figures were an accurate representation on June 19 expenditure and income was proposed by Cllr Jefferies and seconded by Cllr Rogers. All Cllrs in favour.

July 2019. No questions

A proposal that the figures were an accurate representation on July 19 expenditure and income was proposed by Cllr Jefferies and seconded by Cllr Rogers. All Cllrs in favour.

Cllr Bates did not vote as he had not reviewed the accounts.

19/107. Finance. Review new budget report from Xero.

The report was looked at, and it was noted that the “Finance – Gas and Electricity” and “EGPA Gas and Electricity” lines were over budget. The Clerk will look to ensure amounts coded to write cost centre and report back.

The Clerk will also report back on what makes up the “Finance – Other” and “Finance IT” amounts.

This report will be reviewed quarterly, next review in Dec 2019. This will be added to the Financial Regulations for approval.

Overall the report was of use for showing Cllrs underspend and overspend in each area to allow for future planning of costs and expenditure.

19/108 Finance. VE day 2020

A £2,000 starter budget from 2019/20 funds was requested from the Clerk to start reserving items such as marquee and portaloos. May 8th 2020 PM was confirmed as the date of the event. The events co-ordinator is going to request an RAF flypast on behalf of the PC.

A proposal to approve the release of £2000 for the VE day celebration from 2019/20 funds was proposed by Cllr Jefferies, seconded by Cllr Rogers and all Cllrs in favour.

A proposal to approve delegated powers to the Clerk to spend these funds was proposed by Cllr Jefferies, seconded by Cllr Kearsey and all Cllrs in favour.

19/109 Finance. Christmas tree and lights cost for 2019

The EGPA committee had approved costs of £175 for the tree and £100 for the lights. Local businesses are being approached to contribute to the costs of this.

A proposal to approve these costs was proposed by Cllr Kearsey, seconded by Cllr Jefferies and all Cllrs in favour.

19/110 Finance. Addition to Chairman’s chains

After reviewing the 2 quotes received from Fattorini and Deacons, it was decided to go with the Fattorini quote. The third company approached by Cllr Jefferies could not offer a quote.

Fattorini costs were £135 plus postage costs, and Deacons were £156.00
A proposal to approve the costs from Fattorini of £135 plus postage was proposed by Cllr Rawlings, seconded by Cllr Bates and all Cllrs in favour.

19/111 Finance. New dog mess bin for Home Close area.

Bin costs £103.82 plus VAT. Install £50 plus VAT. Emptying £130 plus VAT a year. From Allbuild

A proposal to approve the costs from Allbuild was proposed by Cllr Bates, seconded by Cllr Kearsey and all Cllrs in favour.

19/112 Items for next agenda

Dog bin for Badbury
Make sure quotes for rec ground drainage are on Oct agenda.
Meeting closed 21.26

All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified


17/68All Cllrs to do on-line GDPR training. CHASE CLLRS – some councilors still outstanding to do GDPR training.
Cllrs Harris, Rogers, Kearsey and Rawlings have completed their GDPR training


19/70 Talk to Football club to see if they can raise a 50% grant for a defib along with the Tennis Club who are looking for a grant.

19/91 Work on placement of AED at Badbury BT box

19/91 Chase up the Grants committee

19/112 Add all items for next agenda to Oct full council meeting.

19/102 Reply to SBC with comments on Planning app for Monkey Tree cottage.

19103 Reply to SBC with approval for extra costs of Norris Close layby

19/104 Reply to SBC on SHELAA site SO432 & Local plan review for Badbury after consulting with Cllrs Harris & Jefferies.

19/107 Review budget expenditure doc and report back to full council on the queries raised. Add review every quarter to financial regs.

19/108 Make initial VE day celebration arrangements

19/111 Make arrangements for new dog bin with Allbuild

19/112 Make sure items are added to next agenda.

Cllr Jefferies

19/56 Write an article for Ridgeway Bell