20/01. Declarations of interests.


20/02 Review minutes from 7th Jan 2020

No changes.

The minutes were approved as accurate by Cllr Rawlings, seconded by Cllr Kearsey and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/03 Action Points


19/02 Follow up with Mr Walton & Mr Clarke about grants sub-committee. CLOSE AS ADMIN OFFICER RESPONSIBLE FOR GRANTS
19/02 Contact SBC to ask if Draycot speed change can be 30mph not 40mph. DONE. COULD NOT BE 30MPH BUT CHANGES HAVE BEEN APPROVED BY SBC
19/03 Create a standard planning template with a list of considerations for CPC to send to SBC and developers for all large applications whether approved or rejected. DONE AND WITH ALL PLANNING CLLRS
19/03 Next SID location at New Road and Draycot Foliat STILL UNDER DISCUSSION ON PLANNING COMMITTEE
19/03 Clerk to talk to SBC to get parking improvements for Windmill Piece started. STILL WORK IN PROGRESS ON THE PLANNING COMMITTEE
19/03 Arrange for employment of Clerks assistant for 1st April 2020 DONE
19/03 Send Cllrs the current website visitor stats DONE
19/03 Future finance agenda – consider funding remainder of the Defib for the Rec field – waiting to hear how Tennis Club got on with grant requests. ACTION COMPLETED – DEFIB IN PLACE
19/04 Youth provision. Talk to resident who suggested the idea of holding one at the Rec hall. TOO MANY PROCEDURES IN PLACE FOR RESIDENT TO VOLUNTEER

Cllr McDonald

19/03 Assist with guidance on how we create an emailed newsletter – for our website team to use. MOVED TO CLERK AND ADMIN OFFICER TO DEAL WITH

Cllr Sunners

19/03 Start to create a speed management policy for the Parish. Cllrs to provide information to be added. REMOVE AS NO PROGRESS

20/04 Approval of Committee Terms of Reference

The TOR was approved as appropriate for adoption by Cllr Rogers, seconded by Cllr Kearsey and all Cllrs were in favour.


Creation of Rec Hall/Ground Committee for the improvement of the site and the removal and re-building of the hall.

  • New Committee to decide whether to take down the building now or not.
  • If its taken down – consideration to the Tennis Club and also the Pavilion changing rooms
  • What needs to be built?
  • What facilities are needed?
  • Is a new location on the field needed?
  • Transport and logistics
  • Provide the FB poll votes to the committee for consideration
  • What can the space offer that the Calley Hall and Church hall doesn’t? What would be different to what Wroughton offer?
  • Funding and Grants
  • Use by Swindon Town Ladies Football Club
  • Need to come back to full council with next steps

This course of action was proposed by Cllr Rogers. Seconded by Cllr Kearsey and all Cllrs are in favour.

Mental Health of Children and Young people

  • Explore the knock on effects of Covid19
  • Can Phoenix Enterprises help older children with a first work placement
  • Request the EGPA committee look into how to help. Explore use of unallocated funds to achieve this. Use the Scouts, Brownies, Football, etc
  • Can CPC provide a youth club? Need to look at Safeguarding
  • Should we get an existing organisation in?
  • Provide vouchers for an activity?
  • Ask the Headmaster of the Primary School to assist? For children on free school meals?
  • South Swindon PC have a youth officer – can we “buy” in their expertise?
  • To be added to EGPA agenda. Cllr Rogers will send Cllr Rawlings and updated list of local projects.

This course of action was proposed by Cllr Rogers. Seconded by Cllr Kearsey and all Cllrs are in favour.

Windmill Piece and Draycot Foliat Layby plans

To ask Ward Cllr Jefferies if she can follow up with SBC on this.
To ask Ward Cllr Jefferies if getting Ward Cllr Sumner involved would be useful.


New Road Build Out

This will continue to be progressed within the Planning Committee

Neighbourhood Plan (NHP)

Will start in the Planning Committee but may need a sub committee that reports to Planning.
Need further quotes for Consultancy help to be able to present options to the Planning Committee.
Will need to use the £10,000 budget allocated for this in 2021/22
Need to view other NHP’s
Talk to SBC on how to start this
Must start on this in 2021/22 Financial year


The committee felt that there were enough opportunities for the PC within item 20/05 and 20/06 without additional long term plans at this time.

20/08 Items for next agenda


The next meeting was confirmed for 3rd June 2021

Meeting closed 20.42

All Actions to be completed by the next Strategy meeting unless otherwise specified.

19/03 Next SID location at New Road and Draycot Foliat WITH PLANNING COMMITTEE
19/03 Clerk to talk to SBC to get parking improvements for Windmill Piece started. WITH PLANNING COMMITTEE

Clerk and Admin Officer

19/03 Assist with guidance on how we create an emailed newsletter – for our website team to use.


20/05 Include on next Full Council agenda the creation of a Rec Hall committee
20/05 Add to EGPA agenda the mental health of children and young people and how the PC can help
20/05 Ask Ward Cllr Jefferies to follow up layby parking & if we can include Ward Cllr Sumner in this conversation?
20/06 Add item agenda to Planning Committee for NHP
20/06 Get further NHP Consultant quotes

Cllr Rogers

20/05 Cllr Rogers to send her investigations into youth provisions to Cllr Rawlings