22/32 Approval of apologies given.
Cllrs Jackson, Jefferies and Randall all have work commitments.
A proposal was made to approve these apologies given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/34 Public recess.
No comments
22/35. Declarations of Interest and approval of any dispensations requested.
22/36. Approval of minutes from 6.10.22 meeting
A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate recording of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/37. Action points from previous meeting.
21/07 Invite Tennis Club to appropriate meeting as directed by Committee. PENDING
21/46 Contact TC and FC about grants they could apply for, for their facilities improvements. PENDING
22/27. Follow up with landowner with regards to an update on land supply.
22/28. Ask SWA to create draft 2 of the plans, and assist with pre-planning application submission. Ask SWA to create draft design for the building.
22/30. Advise Finance committee of 23/24 budget request from the committee.
22/38. Review any feedback given from the landowner, with regards to the draft plans.
No further feedback received since last meeting. The Clerk chased up feedback 28th Nov.
22/39. Review suggested general building design/style from SWA and provide feedback.
The building listed on the document as “Whitelands Sports Farm Pavilion” best suited the general design. The committee were keen that the building be of a brick build, or similar long lasting material, but wood cladding is suitable for the external facing material. The Clerk is to ask SWA for the general lifespan of wood cladding. Small changes would be required to use a brick colour sympathetic to the surrounding and to blend in.
A proposal was made to feed this back to SWA. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/40. Approval of costs of approximately £1250 plus VAT to complete the Pre-planning application with SWA.
A proposal was made to approve these costs. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/41. Vote on whether to approve stage 2 of the plans in the pre-planning application.
A proposal was made to not include stage 2 in the application. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/42 Items for next agenda.
None from Cllrs. The Clerk will add the information on general build costs from the associate working with SWA for the committee to discuss and approve as required.
The next meeting date in January is to be cancelled and Feb 2nd will be the next meeting date.
Meeting closed 19.35
Action Points
All Actions to be completed by the next Committee meeting unless otherwise specified
21/07 Invite Tennis Club to appropriate meeting as directed by Committee.
21/46 Contact TC and FC about grants they could apply for, for their facilities improvements.
22/27. Follow up with landowner with regards to an update on land supply.
22/39. Feedback to SWA on building design comments
22/40. Advise SWA of approved pre-planning costs.
22/41. Advise SWA that stage 2 to not be included in pre-planning application.
22/42. Add item for next agenda.