Public Recess

Residents from Canney Close asked the council about the proposed New Road development.  Although in an AONB they feel the social housing issues may force this build through planning.

Cllr Brady advised that the developers had not submitted a formal planning application to SBC  the Parish Council  have no more knowledge than residents.   Ward Cllr Shaw also advised he had no further information.

Cllr Brady advised that information on the development received by the Parish Council will be available and transparent to the public. Public consultations will also be arranged.

The residents are concerned that once one field is built on, the development will be allowed to spread to the adjacent fields.

Photographs that Cllr Beaumont received of the event will be shared and we will ask the developer for their presentation from the open event.  Action for Clerk to upload onto the parish web site

The residents in attendance at the Parish Council meeting were advised that the New Road developers had been invited to the parish planning meeting on 5th June. As this meeting is open to the public, all residents are welcome to attend

The Clerk is going to ask the AONB representative to attend the 5th June planning meeting.

17/12.  Declarations of interests.


17/13. Approval of minutes from 10th April 2017.

Page 5 – Change wording to be “Thamesdown bus service has been sold”.

The minutes were proposed as approved by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Harris and all those at the meeting were in favour.


17/14. Matters arising and action points:

Matters arising:

Page 3 – defibrillators – Cllr Beaumont is going to send the information to the full council.

Action Points:

Ward Cllr Shaw 16/107 – Ward Cllr Shaw will investigate this in May 2017 and report back to the PC on the status of streetlights for the A346 Plough Hill

Clerk – 17/04 – Ward Cllr Shaw will see if there are any plans for the chippings at Ladysmith Lane and whether the PC can use these.

Clerk – New action to see if CPC have all the available maps for the J15 M4 proposed works.

Cllr Sunners – 17/07 – Clerk to chase Cllr Sunners in regards to shed alarm information.

All other actions completed.

Approval of 19th April 2017 Annual Parish meeting minutes.

No changes needed.

Proposed as approved by Cllr Rawlings, seconded by Cllr Mills and all those at the meeting in favour.

17/15 Ward Councillors reports.

Cllr Sumner was not present at the meeting and all his actions were up to date.

Cllr Shaw and Cllr Foley:

Cllr Shaw’s written report had been circulated during the May Annual Council meeting.

Cllr Shaw also commented on J15 M4 project.  The A419 and M4 are the responsibility of Highways England so the A346 will have less say in the project from SBC.

Cllr Shaw suggested we link with other Parishes who are also concerned by this work. Cllr Martin has already communicated with Wanborough, Liddington and Wroughton.

Cllr Martin attended the Liddington Parish meeting and reported that they share our concern over rat runs through the village. It was proposed that the route though Hodson will also need to be monitored.

Cllr Brady confirmed that Cllrs Mills, Hill, Martin and Rawlings are the reps for this project.  We can join up with other parishes once more is known after the 24th May briefing at SBC.

Housing – Ward Cllr Shaw advised that yellow lines on New Road are going ahead in June. Cllr Shaw will confirm in due course when the Parish Council can inform residents on this matter.

Cllr Shaw does not have an update on the layby issue in New Road yet.

Cllr Hill raised the issue about the waste and recycling centre closing on a Wednesday in Swindon. Less people will visit the site as ID is also being asked for.

Cllr Shaw also advised on the green recycling situation for home owners. Renewals part way through the year will pay a pro rata fee and then all yearly renewals can start together in March. This wasn’t communicated to residents.

Cllr Shaw will ask for a statement that can be passed on to residents.

Cllr Shaw hasn’t heard anything about any proposed monthly bin collections.

The New Road Esso station storage area has been requested to be referred to the Borough Planning Committee.

Cllr Shaw was requested to get a status update from Jason Hunns Highways following CPC vote last year to remove the build out installation new road for a appropriate speed calming solution.

17/16 Parishing.

Cllr Brady briefed full Council on the additional services to be taken over from SBC and added to the existing Parishing contract.

The reason that the additional briefing was provided was the result of a challenge by Cllr Murray in April who questioned he decision taken by full council in 2016 to delegate authority to take on further services, Cllr McMurray considered that this should be a decision for full Council

As a result the new deed with SBC to take on additional services was not signed as scheduled in April 2017.

The decision was referred back to Environment and Finance committees for further discussion and review. Following April full council both the Environment Committee and the Finance committee voted in favour of taking on the new services (the former committee having voted in favour 2nd time around)

It was also agreed by the Environment committee to refer the full matter to full Council to request support to both motions – take on the additional services and to ratify the vote in favour of awarding the environment committee the delegated powers to both manage the Parishing contract and to take on further services within their budgetary limits.

Motions were passed as follows:

Motion 1 – To approve taking on additional services from SBC

Cllr Costigan proposed that the Full council approve these additional services from April 2017. Cllr Jefferies seconded this vote and all Cllrs present at the meeting were in favour. It was also confirmed that drain clearance remained with SBC as would Highways road signs.

Motion 2 – Proposed that the Environment Committee will have full powers to decide and approve the taking on of extra services, subject to the correct budget being in place and available.

Cllr West proposed this proposal, Cllr Mills seconded and all Councillors present at the meeting were in favour.

17/17 Community Safety, inc Police Report

The Police May and Annual report were read out and also supplied to all Cllrs.  They will also be placed on the Parish website and FB page.

Cllr Sunners will let the Parish Council know the date of the next public meeting when the PCC will present the new community policing model.

17/18 Composition of Committee

Cllr Sunners has previously commented on whether there was the need to have a separate committee for facilities management.   The general opinion of Cllrs was that this was not needed.

Cllr Rawlings expressed concern over the future maintenance of the CVPA – he was advised that the Rec committee had elected to put in place a full time maintenance contract.

Cllr Harris commented on an email from Cllr Walton regarding a Facilities Management company. The Clerk is to invite them to the Full Council meeting in June.

17/19 – Review of Committee minutes and documents.

Finance: A full list of April transactions were presented to the council. There were no queries on these transactions.

The resolution to accept these as accurate figures was proposed by Cllr Costigan, seconded by Cllr Jefferies and all Cllrs present in favour.


There is a vehicle that is being inappropriately placed on the corner of Well Court.

No.11 New Road has a vehicle with a tow bar attached to it which is sticking out into the pavement which could cause an injury to pedestrian .   A letter needs to be created to request the resident to park the vehicle the other way round  – action on the Clerk.

In Draycott Road a caravan is currently parked on the grass area. If this is council land then a polite letter is needed to ask them to remove it. Clerk to check ownership of land.

There is a need to address the increasing case of ivy choking certain trees in the village – they present a hazard as the ivy weighs down the tree and could present a danger of falling.

Cllr Rawlings advised he intends to step down as Environment Chair and nominate himself for Planning Chair.

Transport report from Cllr Hill:

The new bus stops are not installed yet. Cllr Hill will attend an SBC meeting to discuss this soon if they are not installed soon.

There is a new pavement parking law coming into force soon. There will be a fine to pay if found to be breaking this law.

For speeding there is now a fine of up to 175% your salary and increased points given.


The committee reviewed the Tennis Club financial forecast for the future restoration and maintenance of the Tennis Courts as laid down in the TC lease. Further discussion will need to be carried out with the Tennis Club to address this matter.

The pavilion has had the electrics turned off as there was tampering with the frost tubes.

CVPA – waiting for a report from Aplins as to the nature and cost of work. Looking into a maintenance contract for this.


Manor House development – the proposed store is now being turned into a bungalow.

New Road development – The full Council will be required to discuss and vote on this development prior to any submission to SBC – The planning committee will initially review all information as it comes in from developers including meeting the developers. All recommendations will be submitted to full council for review.  The developers have been invited to the next planning committee meeting on 5th June

There will be no section 106 money for this.

The Clerk is to invite someone from SBC planning dept to a planning meeting to present SBC planning strategy

Transport Development:

The Committees TOR has been finalised and J15 is the main focus at the moment.

17/20. Proposal to write to Robert Buckland MP with regards to GP health care shortages in the Parish

In the Swindon area there was a shortage of 29 GPs a year ago. Now this figure is over 39. They are trying to get more GP’s into the area. There are now nurses who can dispense medicine in hospitals. There are also walk in clinics available.

Cllrs Beaumont and Hill will collate information for the public in regards to what other alternatives are available.

The Clerk will prepare a letter to Robert Buckland MP highlighting the concerns raised by the Parish Council that section 106 funds are being challenged by developers and supported by SBC . These funds are being diverted to support other infrastructure projects and away from community services.

17/21. AOB

The Clerk requested the advice of Stephen Taylor Head of Legal Services SBC regarding the position of Cllrs who may have a conflict of interest in regard to the New Road Development, in particular, those Cllrs who also sat on the Planning Committee.

Stephen Taylor confirmed that Cllr Henderson and Cllr Hill who are members of the Planning Committee would have a conflict of interest with the New Road development due to the proximity of their house to the new road development.

The Clerk is to confirm the procedure with regards to Cllrs becoming members of the public for the purpose of discussion.

It was noted that all residents can give their views to the Clerk to be considered as part of a discussion.

Cllr Beaumont noted that the hedge at Draycot Foliat opposite the bus stop is still overgrown and poses a traffic danger. The PC will endeavor to confirm the home owner and write to them.

Cllr Brady thanked Cllr Harris for his work on the new Parish logo and website which is due to be launched imminently.

The meeting closed at 21.27

Summary of Action Points

All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.


  • Ask Ward Cllr Shaw if he has found out why the A346 does not
    have street lights going toward M4 – ongoing, Cllr Shaw to
  • Ask Ward Cllrs about the policy on the chippings at the site at
    Ladysmith Road. – Ongoing, Cllr Shaw to advise
  • Complete funding paperwork for Memorial Hall trust for the
  • Share the photos that Cllr Beaumont sent of the New Road
    presentation with Parishioners on FB and the website.
  • Invite rep from AONB to attend 5th June planning meeting
  • Make sure CPC have all available maps for the J15 M4 meeting
  • Chase Cllr Sunners on shed alarm information.
  • Invite Facilities Management company to June full council
  • Write letter to New Road resident asking them to park their
    vehicle the other way round to avoid their towbar from sticking
    out into the pavement.
  • Write letter to resident on Draycot Road asking them to move
    their caravan from the grass area.
  • Invite someone from SBC planning dept to a Planning meeting.
  • Draft letter to Robert Buckland in regards to Dr numbers in the
  • Try to find out landowner at Draycot Foliat to get hedge cut
    opposite the bus shelter.

Cllr Sunners:

  • Send shed alarm information to Clerk for publication.
  • To let the full council know the next public meeting date where
    the PCC will talk through the new policing model.

Ward Cllr Shaw:

  • Query SBC on whether A346 towards M4 should have street
    lighting for houses along this road. Also ask SBC why SBC vans
    were at the location of the Build Out on New Road.
  • Request an update document to be issued to CPC residents in
    regards to the change of green bin scheme joining times/fees.

Cllr Beaumont:

  • Send defibrillator information to all Cllrs.