19/01. Declarations of interest

Cllr Rawlings is an allotment holder

19/02.  Approval of previous Environment, General Purpose and Amenities minutes from 18th March 2019

 No changes

The minutes of the meeting held on 18th March 2019 were approved as an accurate representation, proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Bates; all those at the meeting were in favour.

 19/03.  Action points from March 19


18/91 Ask probation team to clear sludge from Draycott Foliat bus stop area. ONGOING. SEND UPDATED LIST TO PROBATION TEAM & CLLR WALTON

18/92 Ask probation team if they can cut back hedge at New Road near Coronation Gate if safe to do so. Check with SBC on hedge ownership. CHASE SBC ON THIS ACTION. CPC RESPONSIBILITY – QUOTES TO BE OBTAINED. ADD TO APRIL AGENDA. ON AGENDA – CLOSED

18/106 Arrange inspection for War Memorial on New Road. ONGOING. Talk to Wroughton Clerk and also local contact for British Legion. Also look at War Memorial Commission

18/137 Monitor properties at Turnball & Slipper Lane for overgrown foliage into road and write letters if needed. ONGOING

18/139 Promote litter pick on 30th March. ONGOING – DONE

18/141 Check on ICO requirements for CCTV at Rec Hall. CLOSED – NO LONGER NEEDED

18/171 Add approval of open spaces review and boundary review to April full council. DONE

18/175 Add gulley at Rec Hall to handyperson list of jobs. DONE

18/176 Advise TC of quotes for lights if they wish to pay for them. DONE

18/179 Add to May EGPA agenda – CCTV at Rec hall. NO LONGER NEEDED

18/179 Investigate cost of CCTV at Rec Hall as deterrent. CLOSED. NO LONGER NEEDED

18/185 Add grant items and hedge cutting quotes to April agenda. DONE

18/139 Talk to local landowners and also Cllr Walton about hedge cutting with tractor and flail. Get quotes ONGOING DONE – ON AGENDA

19/04 PARISHING PROGRESS — Hedge cutting

 Cllr Walton has received a quote of £45 per hour for 4 hours work with tractor and flail from a local landowner.  Have emailed to check time scale as believes this is too many hours.  The Clerk is to ask Allbuild for a quote for man hours and vehicle to remove the debris.  At an estimated cost of £500 for 2 cuts per year it was proposed to go forward with this course of action. To go to Finance Committee for approval.

 Cllr Walton proposed using local landowner and Allbuild if possible for labour at an approx. cost of £500 for 2 cuts per year. Cllr Jefferies seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

19/05 VILLAGE APPEARANCE  — Letter to Badbury resident

It was proposed a letter of thanks be sent to residents who maintain the green area by the noticeboard.

 19/06 VILLAGE APPEARANCE – Noticeboard Ridgeway View

The committee had received the 2 quotes and Clerk’s recommendation. The larger board costing £465.60 inc VAT and delivery was decided on.

 This quote was proposed for approval by Cllr Bates, seconded by Cllr Walton and all Cllrs were in favour.

19/07 VILLAGE APPEARANCE – Strouds Hill wooden posts

 It was proposed to place 3 new wooden posts on Strouds Hill to prevent vehicles driving onto the green area and to also provide another post for the one that has rotted. To ask SBC to provide the labour for this post.

The new PC Handyperson to install the 3 new posts.

This course of action was proposed for approval by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Jefferies and all Cllrs were in favour.

19/08 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Tennis Club report

No one from the club in attendance and Julie Porte to send her report over.

The Clerk was asked to remind the club that there are 2 grants available to apply for within the Parish.

19/10 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Key Safe on tennis club house door

The committee were in agreement that this was acceptable.

This course of action was proposed for approval by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Walton and all Cllrs were in favour.

The Clerk will ask the club to promote the public court. The PC handyperson will investigate the gulley that needs digging to stop water going on the court.


No issues


The Clerk is to ask the new handyperson how long it would take to dig a trench at the allotments to hide the water tank pipe, and report back to the next meeting.


Cllr Walton is to check the carpark to see if it needs rollering now that winter is over. To be added to agenda for July/August.

It was noted that the football club have played games on the pitches all winter.


 The new handyperson is to sort the gate spring timing, and the crumbled flooring under the 2 rockers.

19/15 COMMUNITY PRIORITIES – Football Club update

No report given. No issues

19/16 COMMUNITY PRIORITIES – Grants sub-committee.

 Move to next meeting  – no items to discuss

 19/17 COMMUNITY PRIORITIES – Tractor letter to landowner

It was agreed that the Clerk would write to the local landowner at Draycot Foliat reminding them on safe tractor speeds through narrow country roads.


 The committee had reviewed the document for public procedure in EGPA meetings in advance of the meeting.

 A proposal to accept this document was made by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Bates and all Cllrs were in favour.

 19/19 Vulnerable people and BIOS

Memory café on the last Friday of the month is still well attended. Need try to spread the word to other parishes.

The BIOS will remain at 5.15pm Thursdays until further notice.

 19/20 Items for next agenda


Cllr Rawlings thanked Cllr Walton and Cllr Hill for their time serving this committee.

The meeting closed at 20.31.



18/91 Ask probation team to clear sludge from Draycott Foliat bus stop area. ONGOING. SEND UPDATED LIST TO PROBATION TEAM & CLLR WALTON

18/106 Arrange inspection for War Memorial on New Road. ONGOING. Ask Wroughton Clerk and local British Legion contact.

18/137 Monitor properties at Turnball & Slipper Lane for overgrown foliage into road and write letters if needed.

19/04 Add to finance agenda the hedge cutting costs.

19/05 To write letter to Badbury residents ref maintaining green area

19/06 Order new noticeboard for Ridgeway View & arrange installation

19/07 Get SBC approval for new posts at Strouds Hill & also ask SBC to replace rotten one, with post supplied by CPC

19/08 Remind Tennis Club of grants option

19/10 Ask Tennis Club to promote the public court

19/12 Ask handyperson to quote number of hours to bury allotment water tank pipe

19/13 Add item to July/Aug agenda ref rolling new carpark at Rec

19/14 Get handyperson to do  CVPA repairs

19/16 Add grants sub-committee to next EGPA agenda

19/17 Write letter to land owner about tractor speed and safety.