1. Review minutes from May meeting.

No changes required.

2. Review draft housing needs questionnaire.

Items to consider adding:

“Would it encourage you to buy a new home if it had some form of environmentally friendly/eco-friendly heating system/”

“How many vehicle parking spaces would you ideally have in a new home in Chiseldon Parish?”

“Would it encourage you to buy a new home in Chiseldon Parish if it had an electric vehicle charging point/bicycle parking provision?”

A 6 week response time. Aim to get the questionnaire out by 1st August.

Need to try to find out what SBC’s requirements are for bicycle parking in the Local Plan.

Ask for the following to be drop off points for the questionnaires:

Three Trees Farm shop
Patriot’s Arms
Bakers Arms
Calley Arms

Will have posters with the on-line link around the parish and ask mobile food vendors to display them.

Ian To has talked to Sustrans. They will be making a visit to the area to look at cycle path provision. Ian has asked them to look at Chiseldon paths. He is waiting for and update after Sustrans visit with SBC and inspect route 45.

Items for next meeting:


Meeting closed 20.27