1. Review minutes from April meeting.
No changes required.
2. Progress update from last meeting.
Steve Duke – Draft questionnaire on housing types complete.
Agreed to add questions about eco-friendly heating and electric vehicle charging points etc.
Agreed the questionnaire should be anonymous and a separate questionnaire should be created for other topics such as play areas and cycle routes etc.
Need to find drop off points for completed questionnaires and also pay for a “Pro” Survey Monkey option. Funds to come out of NHP grant.
Tim Pakenham – no further footpath updates.
Chris Rawlings – Overall a lack of pavements. Any new developments need to include ways of safety getting around the parish on foot or by bike etc.
Clair Wilkinson – the History Group have provided a document with the history of the parish.
The open green spaces map is almost finished.
Steve Marchant – the Geographical listing is complete. Can also add further items as required.
Areas need to be included where development should not happen. Can link into the “Green Spaces” map.
Is a list of Brownfield sites needed? Clair can create a new map to show this.
All group members to pass brownfield sites to Clair for inclusion.
Justine Randall – Can we remind residents why we need to allocate areas of land within the NHP. To state that if areas are allocated, undesirable areas could be targeted.
Can we find out the SBC target for how many new dwellings are identified for the Chiseldon parish area?
Amenity requirements should go on a separate questionnaire.
Clair is to find the existing council list of youth provisions and sent to all group members.
Clair to ask Parish Online what the “Natural England Priority Habitat Inventory” overlay shows.
Ian Kearsey – the SBC housing standards are based on towns. Need to do more work on the rural needs.
Paul Sunners arrived online at 19.55
Paul has offered to do the ecology report.
Clair is to send Paul the list of ecology maps within Parish Online
It was noted that the Woodland Trust and Wiltshire Wildlife would be good contacts.
Local residents Sheila and Hilary may be able to help.
Crossing points on A346 – CPC have already requested that SBC look at this. Decided to leave with CPC and reinforce the need as part of the NHP.
Ian To – The disabled routes around Chiseldon (without a vehicle) are difficult due to the hilly nature of the area. Ian would like to work closely with Sustrans on this. The group agreed. Sustrans also noted that the crossing points on the Ridgeway Road near the Farm Shop is difficult and needs to be improved.
Is the group ready for Andrea to do a Parish walk around visit?
Will wait until the first survey results are back in.
Items for next meeting:
To prepare information that Andrea will need to see.
Steve Duke is to prepare the final version of the questionnaire so it can be printed and distributed via email etc.
Meeting closed 20.17
Next meeting date is Tuesday 12th July at the Old Chapel on Butts Road. 7.30pm
Actions or information required:
Steve Duke:
Complete questionnaire draft, adding extra questions on heating and vehicle charging points.
Finish open spaces map
Create brownfield site map
Send youth provision document to all members
Find out what the Natural England priority habit shows on Parish Online
Send Paul the list of ecology maps on Parish Online
Paul – Create ecology report
Ian To – Talk to Sustrans about disabled cycle routes and access.
Pass brownfield site information to Clair
Items required:
Locations for completed questionnaires to be dropped off
Housing numbers required in the Parish from SBC
Information on Pro Survey Monkey survey costs etc