16/50. Declarations of interest.

Cllr Rawlings is an allotment holder

Public recess.

Claire Eggert addressed the Committee in regards to the traffic issues on Hodson Road, on the last corner when exiting the village. They live in the last house on the right hand side. There have been at least 4 accidents on this bend in the last year, and frequent occurrences of speeding.

They feel vulnerable walking on the pavements in this area due to the speeding and large vehicles that use this road. SBC was written to a number of years ago to ask if a mirror could be provided on the bend. SBC said this wouldn’t work as there was a possibility drivers would be dazzled.

It was asked what the main demographic was of these people, and it is mainly young drivers who are having the accidents. It was brought up that the roundabout at the Patriot’s Arms is also an area that has a less than ideal road layout and can feel dangerous to road users and pedestrians.

(Cllr Walton arrives at 19.20)

16/51.Q&A session from housing officers from SBC

Jerry O’Connor and Rob Anscombe attended the meeting and answered a list of questions that had previously been prepared by the committee and presented to Rob.

They advised that:
New affordable housing is built to the Persimmon homes standard to make it the same “spec” as the rest of the housing marking. Existing stock is improved but not to a mortgage approval standard.
The current concrete frame houses such as the ones in School Close would need the external walls removing and re-built.
The houses in Chiseldon were last checked in Dec 2015 and none in Chiseldon are reported as “unsound”.
In regards to the issue of damp, they need to inspect and identify the cause of the issue. They will fit a positive ventilation system if they cannot do anything else. There isn’t much rising damp in the houses, condensation is the main problem, followed by gutters and water pipes.
If residents have any damp issues they need to raise this with SBC for investigation.

Action for Clerk to make residents aware of this and get correct contact details from Rob.

In regards to local people getting local houses, there is a online bidding system which works on a points basis.
A local connection will have priority over someone with higher points. Local connection residents can bid first, and then if no one comes forwards, everyone can bid. If someone with a local connection then comes forward, they will still win the bid.

In regards to disabled access homes, they will mostly be installing level access bathrooms. There is a budget to do this but they will only try to adapt the right properties. They would try to find a suitable local properly first before adapting a home that then wouldn’t be right for the next family living there.

They work with local housing associations such as the ones at Badbury Park and Wichelstowe to help local families buy affordable homes by using “Right to Buy” schemes etc.

There will be a second yearly cut of privet hedges in Oct 2016. General hedge cutting will be carried out after the growing season ends. They will however react to brambles and other safety issues.
Cllr Brady asks about hedges that are removed without permission. It was advised that they either need to seek permission first or put the hedge back. They are aware of the New Road issue.

Saxon Mill tree tidying – This is a SBC responsibility and there is no agreed cycle of work. The tree inspector will inspect every 5 years. Residents can request extra work in the event of safety issues.

The trees in The Crescent. These are high maintenance trees and a drain on the budget. When the sucker growth at the base is removed they grow back quickly. They will be pruned this winter. They received a heavy prune in 2016.

General street cleaning for litter in social housing areas are the responsibility of SBC. Specific areas of concern can be emailed over to SBC.

The demolished area on Castle View road that has been tarmacked over. There are no plans to use this area for anything.

The New Road matting scheme to stop trenches in the grass verges didn’t work. They are still waiting for Highways to come back with a revised scheme.

Jerry advised he has been pushing Jason Humm at Highways for the drive in layby’s to be built in this area. He advised CPC to chase this too.

“Abandoned vehicles” – there isn’t much they can do if the vehicle is actually owned by someone as its not actually abandoned.
CPC can look into a bylaw against vehicles being parked on grass verges.
Action for Cllr Brady to look into this.

Rob is to send a list to the Clerk of what laws are in place to assist.

There is a 5 year schedule for repair and maintenance to social housing. Chiseldon is scheduled again in 2018/19.
In the cases of anti social behaviour, they are working with PC Draper on certain issues to remove individuals from the village. Rob is to provide an update on this.

Rob and Jerry then leave the meeting at 20.00

16/52. Approval of previous minutes from 11th August 2016.

Page 3 item 16/47 – add comments to show that boulders placed by residents on SBC land are also the responsibility of the resident in case of any liability issues.

The minutes of the meeting held on 11th August were then approved on a proposal by Cllr Walton, seconded by Cllr Brady; all those at the meeting in favour.

16/53. Matters arising/Action points.

Matters Arising

Page 2 – 16/45 – Cllr Brady advised that her contact at Northleach PC is off on long term sick leave but she will contact them to progress their visit when they are well.

Page 3 16/19 – As yet there has been no mobile library meeting, Cllr Brady to confirm whether this is going to take place.

Action points – ongoing

16/138 – Action for Cllr Rawlings – talk to Rob Core about the bank erosion at Mays Lane and Butts Road.
This is the responsibility of the Chiseldon House Hotel. Cllr Brady will talk to them about this. Ongoing action. Engineers from SBC are to visit the site. Cllr Rawlings to chase with B.Cllr Shaw and Foley. There is now a master list with all outstanding areas of work on it, for a review of timescales with SBC.
New action for Clerk to write to Rob Core asking him to confirm his official position that there is no erosion issue on Mays Lane.

16/35 – Action for Cllr Rawlings – Bus bays at Landmark hotel – Ask B.Cllr Shaw and Foley to chase this up. As above – master list for SBC

16/136 Action for Cllr Rawlings – weight limit signs at Badbury and Draycot Foliat – Ongoing action.
Badbury Bottom still needs a sign. Also request one for the Hamlet at Draycot Foliat (Not the main B road) On Master list for SBC

16/7 – Action for Cllr Rawlings – Road signage at Badbury Park needs to be repaired and restored where appropriate – Ongoing action. Master list created for SBC

16/39 – Action for Cllr Rawlings – Chase SBC in regards to the damage to the road signs in New Road near Turnball and The Canney. Ongoing action – on master list for SBC

16/39 – Action for Cllr Rawlings – Chase SBC in regards to removing the “New traffic Island” sign at the Marlborough Road junction. On master list for SBC

16/136 – Action for Cllr Harris – to talk to Rachel Sandys about Hodson bridge bank erosion – Cllr Harris to chase. Ongoing Action. Contact Jason Humm at Highways if no response. Hoping to talk to Jason at Steam event on 20th Sept.

16/28- Clerk to draft a plan for planters around the village. Ongoing

16/32 – Clerk to write to allotment holder 4B with termination letter.

16/42 – Clerk to chase Carter Jonas again ref the overgrown hedge at 6 Station Road.

16/32 – Clerk to look at community bus grants – ongoing

All other action points completed.

16/54. Allotments.

It was proposed that plot 4B be given 1 months’ notice to quit their plot. Cllr Walton proposed, Cllr Brady seconded and all those at the meeting in favour. Clerk to draft a letter. It was discussed that we can give the plot to the next person on the waiting list at a reduced fee for year 1 due to its un-used nature.

Cllr Walton to talk to Dick Poole about reducing his plot size to ease the workload.
Grass cutting on paths is currently acceptable.
Cllr Rawlings has offered to repair the leaky ballcock in the water tank. An expenditure of £20.00 was proposed by Cllr Walton, Cllr Brady seconded this and all those at the meeting in favour.

Review of costs is ongoing. Cllr Walton to measure our plot so we can compare against other Parish Council costs. We make approximately £165.00 a year income from the plots, and water rates are £45.00 approx a year.

It was reported that Blagrove used to charge £30.00 a year for their plots.

There will be a discussion and vote in the Oct Environment meeting.

16/55. Dog bins.

Nothing to report

16/56. Highways

There is a need for a new crossing on the A346 to allow pedestrians to reach the bus stop on the far side of the road.
This needs to be raised with SBC. Stat’s need to be looked at so the road can be classified as dangerous.
In relation to excess speed in the village, especially on Hodson and Draycot Road, Road Tables were discussed as a viable option. These have been used in Shrivenham with good effect. Cllr Brady to raise this issue with Jason Humm. Cllr Walton will take photo evidence to back this up.

The general issue of speeding in the village is to be further discussed in the October Environment meeting.

In regards to the parking posts at the Care Home in Badbury and B.Cllr Sumner not believing they are necessary in this location, it was suggested the PC write to the Care Home with regards to their views, and staff and visitors parking at the rear of the property. Cllr Brady proposed this, Cllr Walton seconded this and all those at the meeting in favour.

Cllr Brady leaves the meeting at 20.40

16/57. Street furniture.

Nothing to report

16/58. Village appearance and Cemeteries.

The Chapel windows need a new layer of putty on the bottom sections to make them weather proof for winter. This is a cost of £100.00 plus the cost of putty. Cllr Harris proposed this, Cllr Walton seconded, and all those at the meeting were in favour.
Clerk to arrange this with AllBuild.

Clerk to arrange a price for the remainder of the compost area and rubbish to be removed from the Butts Road cemetery.
Clerk to ask Bob Philips to remove some new saplings from grave sites.

Matthew Griffith is a local tree surgeon, contactable on 07759 727 873

16/59. Environmental Services

The path at the Washpool near the Parsonage Farm entrance – SBC have it on their yearly schedule for maintenance.

16/60. AOB.

The flag pole at the memorial cross needs painting. Cllr Walton suggested we ask the probation service to do this. Cllr Hill proposed this and Cllr Rawlings seconded. All those at the meeting in favour.
Cllr Walton to ask the probation service to do this work.

The Clerk asked for approval for £98.00 expenditure to remove 2 wasps nests from the cemeteries. This was approved by unanimous vote from the committee.

Cllr Rawlings advised that they cannot do speed watch in Draycot Road currently as SBC first need to measure the speed. A position for speed watch has been agreed on the bend of Hodson Road.

Cllr Hill discussed recent cabinet papers in regards to the 70a and 72a evening bus services. The full council strategy meeting in Sept needs to discuss whether it is possible to arrange some funding to keep these services going.
The 72a goes via Wroughton and then into Old Town. Other Parish Councils along the route need to be talked to also.

The meeting closed at 20.55pm.

Cllr Brady

16/136 Contact Rachel Sandys at the Highways agency for help with Hodson bridge embankment erosion problem. Ongoing. Contact Jason Humm if no response and try to discuss at Steam event on 20th Sept.

16/39 To email Jason Humm at SBC about a need for a traffic mirror at the Turnbull junction. Ongoing.

16/51 Investigate local bylaws for stopping vehicles from parking on grass verges.

16/53 Action with Clerk – investigate whether Stephen Taylor is still holding a mobile library update meeting.

16/56 Talk to Jason Humm at Highways about road tables being used to slow down vehicles on Hodson Road and Patriots Arms roundabout.