
17/13 Declarations of interests


Public recess

No public at this time

17/14 Vote for new Committee Chair and Vice Chair

After a discussion on the composition and possible future changes to the committee compositions it was agreed that Cllr Sunners would remain as Committee Chair and Cllr Walton would remain as Committee Vice Chair.

This motion was proposed by Cllr Brady, seconded by Cllr Bates and all those at the meeting were in favour.

During this item it was also discussed that in the future the committee roles may need to be redefined and merged to free up Cllrs who serve on multiple committees. As volunteers this time commitment is sometimes an issue.  This item will be put to full council in June with a possible vote.

17/15 Football Matters

James Lovell reporting for the club.
The topic of a lease was discussed. The football clubs main concern is that their revenue stream is not consistent making payments unpredictable. They also do not have the infrastructure to maintain the pavilion building or the funds for large repairs.

The Clerk and Cllrs mentioned that recently funds have been spent on the pavilion to improve it and also there were issues resulting in a large water and electricity bill that the Council paid, but we need to have more joint ownership on these issues in the future.

Cllr Walton would like a commitment from the club that the current standard of the pavilion would be maintained.

It would seem sensible to have a lease/contract in place so each party knew the extent of their responsibilities.

The club need to improve upon the cleaning of the pavilion as this has not always been up to scratch.

James provided an update on their fun day on Sunday 4th June. The hall has been booked, and the Clerk will ask Countrywide to schedule the next grass cutting for Friday 2nd if possible?

The broken barrier sections need welding. Cllrs Bates and Sunners will deal with this now the ground is firmer and the vehicle can move over the grass.

Their new first team manager has requested permission to paint the inside of the pavilion- permission was granted.

James left the meeting at 19.57

17/16 Approval of minutes – meeting held on Monday 22nd April 2017

No changes

Acceptance of the accuracy of these minutes proposed by Cllr Brady, seconded by Cllr Sunners; all those at the meeting who were in attendance in April 2017 were in favour.

17/17 Matters arising

The Clerk is to make sure the netball court proposed at the Tennis Club is discussed at the June 2017 Recreation meeting and that the TC representative come to the meeting with an update.

Action Points


  • 17/05. June agenda – update from TC and Fiona Allen on netball court at TC and send Julie and Fiona each others email addresses
  • 16/116. Arrange to review lease and engage Withy King to resolve any ambiguous wording issues
  • 16/115. Football  Club/FA discussions. Ongoing

Cllr Sunners:

  • 16/170. Will inspect sites that need welding along with Cllr Bates. Ongoing

Cllr Brady:

  • 16/116. Still need updates to the TC lease and compare it to the insurance to ensure both match

Cllr Walton:

  • 16/106. Ongoing

All other actions completed

17/18 Tennis Club

The Clerk read out the written report from Julie Porte following their 2 events – new members have signed up and both events were successful.
The Clerk is to remind the public that the courts are open for public use.

The Clerk is to ask the Tennis Coach Phil Kerley on his progress with getting into the Primary School to offer coaching lessons.

17/19 Pavilion

The frost tubes are now fixed.  Nothing further to report

17/20 CVPA

Aplins have been requested to deal with the rotten wood on the slide area, remove the 2 rockers and make the area safe and replace the wooden beam on the adventure trail.

17/21 Recreation Ground

The pitch has recently been rolled for the year.

The Clerk has an action to talk to other Parishes to see whether they have managed to get funds from the FA or Sports England for pitch improvements.

17/22 Recreation Hall

Clerk to email AllBuild to make sure Rec Hall work is started as soon as Chapel work finihsed

17/23 Youth Activities

Still well attended.  Won’t be available Thursday 25th May – Clerk to update via FB and website

17/24 Care of vulnerable people

As part of this agenda item an update on the defibrillator plans within the Parish was discussed. Funds are approved, checking with locations to see if they are willing to have them installed

17/25 Confirm Committee Terms of Reference

Changes to be made to state the required number of Cllrs on the Committee and update the financial section to show the allowed spend by the Committtee.

Once these changes are made the acceptance of these TOR was proposed by Cllr Walton, seconded by Cllr Sunners and all those at the meeting in favour.

Cllr Sunners thanked Cllr Brady for her work in creating this document

17/26 Any Other Business



The meeting closed at 20.53


Summary of Action Points


  • 17/05. June agenda – update from TC and Fiona Allen on netball court at TC. Make sure TC can come along with an update
  • 17/07. Clerk to contact Aplins and SBC about maintenance contracts for Play areas
  • 17/14. June Full Council agenda – discussion & vote on committee composition
  • 17/15. Ask Countrywide to mow Rec grass before 4th June football club presentation day
  • 17/18. Remind public about public tennis court use
  • 17/18. Ask Phil Kerley about coaching sessions at primary school
  • 17/21. Talk to other parishes about FA or Sports England funding
  • 17/22. Email Allbuild to make sure Rec Hall work done after Chapel finished
  • 17/23. Advise on FB and website that Youth Mobi not on green on 25th May
  • 17/25. Update TOR with required changes

Cllr Brady:

  • 16/116. Arrange to review lease and engage Withy King to resolve any ambiguous wording issues

Cllr Walton:

  • 16/106. Investigate tarmac costs and other car park surfaces such as the green hexagonal plastic sheets and recycled scalpings

Cllr Sunners:

  • 16/170. With Cllr Bates: Discuss the extra welding requirements for the football pitch barriers. Postponed until Spring 2017