16/1. Declarations of interest.


Public recess.

No public.

16/2. Approval of minutes. Meeting held on Monday 21st March 2016

Page 1 list of those present – remove Cllr Harris’s name from the list.

No other amendments or additions noted.
Acceptance proposed by Cllr Bates, seconded by Cllr Walton; all in favour

16/3. Matters arising.


Action Points:

Cllr Brady – 16/179 and 16/185 – Carry forward. Providing Kimberley Hale’s details to Julie Porte and talking to Claire and Paul Maycock about parish plan and proposed bus cuts.
Clerk – 16/180, 16/181, 16/186 Completed
Cllr Walton – 16/183 – Carry forward. To investigate doors not closing properly in the Recreation Hall.
Cllr Walton – 16/179 – Carry forward. Painting of the Rec Hall exterior.

Cllr Sunners – 16/181 – Completed

Cllr Sunners – 16/182 – Completed

Cllr Sunners – 16/170 – Carry Forward. Additional security light to be installed at Rec Ground, with protective wire cage around the light to protect against vandalism.

16/4. Football matters.

Matt reported that on Sunday 5th June there is an awards day from midday onwards. There will be a BBQ, the awards ceremony and games. They will be working with the tennis club to open the courts to the public.
The Football Association may provide funding for pitch improvements as the pitches are still very wet. There is a backlog of games to play. There is a dip in the ground in one goal mouth which they will backfill with soil and pack down.
The Parish Council has a budget of £2000.00 for 16/17 allocated for storage improvements for CFC. CFC have a proposed plan for this.
Cllr Sunners asked Cllr Walton if the probation service team could do this work. Cllr Sunners is also to get approval for this expenditure.
Cllr Walton advised he would need to talk to the Supervisor Roy Benfield to see if they have the required skills but added that they are keen to have the work. They may be able to do the groundwork but we would need the original fence installers back to re-fit the fences once moved. The company is called Kudos, based in Flaxlands. Cllr Sunners to contact them for a quote to be arranged.

It has been agreed that the softball team can hire the Rec Hall pitch for £20.00 per evening session, with the smaller training sessions having no charge. Cllr Sunners will communicate this to the softball team.

Cllr Walton also mentioned that as the Memorial Hall in Chiseldon isn’t available for purchase now we have just over £30000.00 in the savings account from the Aldermore bond that has matured. Was there a possibility of using some of these funds to improve the pitch?
Cllr Walton also commented that the Memorial Hall Charity Statement specifies that funds raised do not have to go towards Hall maintenance and upkeep, they can also be used for village benefit. Could we apply for funds for improving the football pitches?

16/4. Tennis Club

Rachel Whatley represented the TC. The official opening day had a low attendance mainly due to the weather. 2 adults and 6 children from the village came along and played. All other attendee’s were either out of the village area or friends of existing members. The Swindon Advertiser visited and took photographs and will do a write up in the next edition. There will be a free tennis open day in July. It was commented on that it was disappointing that the outside of the Rec Hall wasn’t painted in time for the opening day.
In the last edition of the Ridgeway Bell there was an article about the Chiseldon Fun day stating that the tennis courts would be available for use on this day. This was never agreed upon as it would mean a large amount of tennis club supervision throughout the day. The fun day organisers are going to retract this statement in the next issue.

Matt Clarke and Rachel Whately left the meeting at 19.26

16/5. CVPA

Cllr Sunners presented to the committee the quote from Aplins for repairs to CVPA, totalling £1827.00. This does exceed the £1000.00 limit on only having one quote. Expenditure over this amount should have 3 quotes for comparison.
Cllr Bates clarified that reasonable effort should be made to get 3 quotes but if we cannot find 3 applicable companies to quote us, then 1 quote will suffice.
Cllr Sunners said the contact from Aplins was very thorough and knowledgeable and had good references on their website.
Cllr Bates and Cllr Walton agreed it was worthwhile expenditure as the play area hasn’t had any major work carried out for a number of years. Cllr Sunners will present these figures to the full Recreation committee to get approval, and then to Cllr Costigan the head of the Finance Committee to get approval to proceed.

16/6. Pavilion

Clerk confirmed that new fire extinguishers were in place.

No other issues

16/7. Recreation Ground

No issues

16/8. Recreation Hall

Ongoing – Action for Cllr Walton to check the fire doors not closing and report back to the committee.
Cllr Walton reported to the committee that he is waiting to get details as to who supplied the Rec Hall originally so he can find out more about the floor/door problem.

16/9. Youth Activities

Nothing to report.

16/10. Care of vulnerable people

Nothing to report.

16/11. Any Other Business.

Cllr Bates advised he now has a clubhouse key. He is going to check when the fire extinguishers were last serviced and report back to the Clerk.
Cllr Sunners is going to contact Cllr Rawlings to see if his contact can weld the padlock at the Rec Hall back onto the chain attached to the fence.

The meeting closed at 20.15