Declarations of interest: MC is Chair of the Football Club.

17/88 Public Recess

No public.

17/89 Minutes of the previous committee meeting held on 26th October 2017

No amendments

The minutes of the meeting held on 26th October 2017 were then approved on a resolution by CB and seconded by MH; all at the meeting were in favour.

17/90 Matters arising


17/91 Action Points


  • 17/29. Ask the Tennis Club to provide their public liability insurance documents. Done
  • 17/50. Clerk to arrange first aid course attendance with St Johns Ambulance. ONGOING
  • 17/51. Clerk to sign up to SLCC course. ONGOING
  • 17/53. Write to Wroughton Clerk asking for more details on library business plan and where CPC funds would be going. Also need to see Wroughton’s precept for library funds added. DONE
  • 17/58. Create a tender requirement document ONGOING
  • 17/76. Feedback to next EGPA meeting on the decision from Finance on bin emptying near Farm Shop.DONE
  • 17/79. Ask on FB page if anyone wants the wooden shed behind the pavilion.  Add to next Finance meeting if wood not removed. DONE
  • 17/81. Ask on FB if parents can ensure their children do not litter at the CVPA. DONE
  • 17/81. Order new CVPA litter signs DONE
  • 17/82. Provide 2018/19 figures for village planters to MH for precept. DONE
  • 17/82. Review 2018/19 parishing figures for precept to ensure they cover the works needed. DONE
  • 17/82. Get costs for repairing the inside wall of the museum. DONE
  • 17/83. Ask Cllrs to send IH info on Data Protection policy. DONE
  • 17/85. Add to Full Council agenda the approval of OOH contacts and £500 expenditure. DONE
  • 17/86. Remind TC Chair to cash their refund cheque of £377. DONE
  • 17/86. Next Finance meeting agenda – add item for finalising TC invoice for 2017. DONE

Cllr I Henderson: 

  • 17/83. Create Data Protection policy for review at Nov 17 Finance meeting. POSTPONED TO 2018 AS SLCC PRODUCING A DRAFT VERSION

CB noted that the revised STORM contract should be with the PC either 1st or 4th December from the Parish Council Solicitor Royds Withy King.

17/92 FINANCE Review Accounts

The figures for November to date were reviewed with no comments.

A proposal was made by CB that the figures were accurate and accepted. Seconded by PC; all were in favour. IH didn’t vote as he is an allotment holder and his payment was included in the figures.

Resolved that:

The document supplied by the Clerk represents a true and accurate reflection of the accounts for the month of November to date.

17/93 FINANCE Vote on payment to Probation Team of £200 to buy new tools

A proposal was made by CB, seconded by PC.  All were in favour.

Resolved that: 

  • £200 be donated to the Probation Team for purchasing new tools, in lieu of the work they do free of charge for the Parish.

17/94 Clerks request to purchase 2 new books – allotment law and Highways Law

Value of books is £60.00 in total.

A proposal was made by CB, seconded by MH.  All were in favour.

Resolved that: 

  • £60 be spent on new books for the Clerk.

17/95 FINANCE Vote on electricity supplier as current deal runs out in February 2018

The Committee reviewed the document containing 3 quotes for new deals. A one year deal with EDF Energy was believed to be the best deal for the Council.

A proposal was made by PC, seconded by CB to accept this quote.  All were in favour.

Resolved that:

The Clerk arrange a transfer for electricity supply to EDF on a 1 year deal from Feb 2018.

17/96 FINANCE Vote on Wroughton Library request for £2000 for funds for the library

The previous vote by the Finance Committee was to not grant this request due to a very small proportion of parishioners using the Wroughton library and there being a larger need for a local book swap provision.

The Clerk has an action to ask SBC how to apply for grants for book provision to start a parish book swap.

After discussion the committee’s position on this vote remains unchanged. (No vote of approval)

The Clerk is to advise the Wroughton Clerk.

17/97 FINANCE Vote on fixed wire testing for PC buildings

STORM was initially asked to do 5 year fixed wire tests on all buildings in 2017.  However documents have been found showing tests were done in 2013/14 meaning the next tests are due in 2018/19.   The firm that had conducted the previous tests was no longer trading.

MH had investigated this and determined that the PC were covered for any issues.

A proposal was made by MH to wait for the 5 year deadline, PC seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

The Clerk is to advise STORM.

Resolved that:

The next fixed wire testing for PC buildings be scheduled in at 5 years from the last test.

17/98 FINANCE Tree and cemetery museum mapping software and costs

The Clerk advised on s\w available from PEAR for mapping trees and graves to enable the PC to monitor them more effectively.  Approx. costs were £1200 which can be spread over 5 years interest free.

It was decided to keep this information for future year’s consideration.

The Committee also looked at quotes for tree work on the Rec field from Morgan Tree surgery. An immediate cost is budgeted at £1240.  There is currently a line item of £5000 in the 2018/19 budget to allow for these costs.

17/99 FINANCE Vote on 5 extra hours of work for the Clerk in December 2017

The Clerk requested 5 extra hours of work (paid at normal time) to enable her to catch up on overdue tasks.

A proposal was made by CB to approve this cost, seconded by PC.  All Cllrs were in favour.

Resolved that:

It is approved that the clerk may work an extra five hours during December at standard rates.

17/100 BUDGET Budget review for 2018/19

The current draft budget from MH was reviewed and all items were considered required.

Extra items were added for:

  • £5000 vehicle activated speed signs.
  • £1000 for possible museum subsidence
  • £1000 for legal advice and other costs for large planning applications
  • £240 for the yearly maintenance of the Home Close nature area
  • £5000 for improvements to the Rec Hall car park
  • £500 for the maintenance or repair of all types of bins
  • £200 for repairs to Hodson Road bus stop shelter

This takes the new budget total to £134,270.00 for 2018/19

MH to update the budget to be presented for final Finance vote on 4th Jan 2018 and final vote from full council in Jan 2018 meeting.

MC then left the meeting at 20.37

17/101 POLICIES AND LEASES Data Protection document update

IH reported that more knowledge is still needed for the PC to understand its responsibilities.  A data protection/data collection officer also needs to be appointed.

This is to be added to full council agenda for a vote on this officer.

There is a need to ask Stephen Taylor at SBC for further instruction/guidance.

17/102  POLICIES AND LEASES. Tennis Club 2017 rent invoice

It was noted that the cost of the floodlight insurance will be added to their 2018/19 invoice.

The current invoice for the 2017/18 rent stands at £367.71 inclusive of VAT.

The matter of the upkeep of the Tennis Courts was discussed and it was decided that, as the lease permits, the clerk would request an up to date copy of the club accounts for the Finance Committee to review.

A proposal was made by IH to accept the invoice calculation presented to the committee. CB seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

Resolved that:

The calculated figure of £367.71 shall be invoiced to the Tennis Club in respect of the 2017/18 rental.

MH will draft a letter to the Tennis Club for the Clerk’s approval.  The Clerk shall also request a copy of the club accounts in the same letter.

17/103 Any other Business


Meeting closed at 21.06

Action Points to be completed by next meeting date


  • 17/50. Clerk to arrange first aid course attendance with St Johns Ambulance. ONGOING
  • 17/51. Clerk to sign up to SLCC course. ONGOING
  • 17/58. Create a tender requirement document. ONGOING
  • 17/97. Advise STORM to wait for 2018/19 dates for fixed wire testing
  • 17/94. Clerk to purchase 2 new books – allotment law and highways law from SLCC
  • 17/95. Arrange transfer of electricity supply to EDF on 1 year deal from Feb 2018
  • 17/96. Ask SBC for grants available to create community book swap services and reply to Wroughton library with regards to their library funds request
  • 17/101. Add the need for a data protection officer to Jan 2018 full council agenda
  • 17/101. Ask Stephen Taylor at SBC for further Data Protection guidance.

Cllr I Henderson:

  • 17/83. Create Data Protection policy for review at Nov 17 Finance meeting.  POSTPONED TO 2018

Cllr M Harris: 

  • 17/102. Draft letter to Tennis Club containing 2017/18 invoice figures and request to see their accounts.