Public Recess:
2 members of the public
No comments from the public
19/01. Declarations of Interest.
Cllr Harris lives in Norris Close
19/02. PLANNING. Application for 39 Home Close storey side and rear extension & conversion of garage. S/HOU/19/0476
A proposal was made that there be no objection to this application. Cllr Harris proposed this resolution, Cllr Jefferies seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
19/03 PLANNING. Application for Burderop Park.
Demolition of the pavilions, change of use of offices and ancillary buildings to 25no. apartments/dwellings, erection of 52no. dwellings, construction of new access and associated works – Variation of condition 2 (Approved Drawings) following planning permission S/17/0128
A proposal was made that there be no objection to this application. Cllr Rawlings proposed this resolution, Cllr Harris seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
The Clerk is to ask SBC planning department for clarification from the developer on the entrance and exit plan to this development.
19/04. Items for the next agenda
Meeting closed at 19.19