The committee looks at the environment within the Parish. It considers and implements measures to maintain, repair or enhance aspects of the environment. This includes maintaining, repairing and enhancing our recreational facilities within the parish. We also take action on other issues affecting the community that don’t fall under the remit of the other committees, especially those that may impinge on its most vulnerable members.

A small snapshot of our agenda might include repairing signs, painting the flagpole, getting hedges cut, plastering and decorating the chapel, considering and costing flower planters, running Q & A sessions with Swindon Borough Council housing officers, looking at erosion or dangerous road conditions, investigating repairs to the recreation hall, installing security lighting at the recreation ground, looking at ways to encourage local people to take advantage of the tennis court, helping elderly residents access services to deal with damp and much more.

The committee also looks after the Butts Road cemetery and ensures that it meets current regulations.

In some cases, the body responsible for making changes is Swindon Borough Council. Our committee alerts the Borough Council to our local issues, makes recommendations for action and liaises with local residents.

With regard to highways matters – including traffic safety and management issues, repairs and cleanliness –  although the Parish Council has no direct authority to implement work, it can recommend actions to Swindon Borough Council.

How the committee works

The committee meets every month. The dates and times are published on the website. In order for action to be approved by the committee it needs to have been proposed by one member and seconded by at least one other committee member.

The committee looks through all the issues and provides a plan of action for dealing with them. It also reviews what progress has been made on the issues raised in previous meetings. All of this process is documented and made public in the committee minutes.

Attend the committee

We encourage community members to attend meetings. Within the meeting, there will be the opportunity to asks questions or make comments and suggestions. Meeting times are posted on the News and Events page of the website.

Our minutes and agendas

You can view our minutes and agendas as webpages, a pdf documents or a word documents. Please visit the EGPA minutes and agenda webpage.