22/14. Approval of apologies given.

Absence with apologies: Cllrs Andy Rogers is delayed with work. Cllr Chay Ford is away. Cllr Jenny Jefferies has a prior meeting.

Ward Cllr Gary Sumner is unable to attend due to a prior meeting.

Absence without apologies: Cllr Jon Jackson.

A proposal was made to approve these apologies given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/15. Declarations of interest. None

22/16. Public recess.

No public

22/17. Approval of minutes from 11th April 2022.

No changes

A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/18. Action points from previous meeting.


22/3. Share letter from Cllr Randall on FB and advise if any more info about it is available online. DONE

22/6. Ask the PCC to attend the next full council meeting on 9th May. DONE

22/7. Direct contact number/email for reports regarding the Firs site shared via weekly newsletter, community FB page and website. Clerk to advise Cllr Jefferies when does she need to provide details in time for this Fridays newsletter. PENDING.

22/8. Give progress update about photography shown on website and share website stats. DONE. Website stats shared, and photos are provided when Clerk asks on FB. Will need to do a periodic request.

22/12. Rec Hall – Suggest message on FB to advise nothing has been planned as yet. DONE

Cllr Randall

22/3. Circulate letter from Wales and West about work on gas pipes to everyone.DONE

Cllr Jefferies

20/16. Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Still waiting for SBC officer update. ONGOING

21/162. Raise backlog of planning applications with SBC and provide an update on how they are going to deal with it. ONGOING

22/19 Presentation and Q&A with PCC representatives.

John Derryman Volunteer role overseeing Community Speedwatch for the PCC’s office Russell Holland. Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner (arrived 20.05) PCSO Victoria Bradley. (Not representing the Chiseldon Area)

Background from Mr Derryman:

115 Community Speedwatch groups (CSW) in the area.

Of the 14681 vehicles captured last year, 664 were speeding, which is 4.4% of motorists.

Chiseldon area had 361 speeding vehicles receiving a warning letter, 18 drivers received a warning letter after being captured twice, and there were no 3rd letters sent.

Overall 32000 letters were sent with 375 3rd issue letters.

Chiseldon area is in the bottom 20% for speeding motorists.

9.00am and 3.00pm are the busiest time to catch speeding motorists

Want to give more visibility to the CSW team.

PCSO Bradley noted the speeding issue on Plough Hill. Would be happy to visit areas where residents are more likely to pass on crime concerns – clubs and cafes etc.

There is hope that Plough Hill can have a CSW team present but will first need to monitor traffic with cables across the road.  Cllr Kearsey will follow this up.  Confirmed that 20 and 40 mph areas can have checks.

Chiseldon CSW has 4 members, needs 10 to fully function.  New Road has most recorded incidents. The police have carried out 2 speedwatch checks in Chiseldon recently.

Mr Holland:

The new PCC plan is in place.

Dealing with County Lines issues and also local drug dealers.

Raids on brothels and Eastern European human trafficking.

Rural crime team focusing on prosecuting those killing birds of prey. Also hare coursing which is part of organised crime with large betting activity and massive damage to farmers land.

Knife amnesty operation carried out.

There were no additional Q&A’s to note and the 3 visitors left at 20.12

22/20. Community Safety and police report.  Cllr Sunners

1463 crimes reported locally in Feb. 9 crimes in Chiseldon area.

3 NHW signs are missing after new LED lights installed. Cllr Sunners would like to ask the council to  assist with the purchase of new signs.  To be added to next EGPA agenda.

22/21. Ward Cllrs reports

No reports

22/22. Approval of lease for Castle View Play area from Swindon Borough Council.

The lease for the whole of the green area at £1 per year had already been approved by the EGPA committee.

A proposal was made to approve this new lease. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/23. Approval of Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Code of Conduct documents.

A proposal was made to approve the Standing Orders. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

A proposal was made to approve the Financial Regulations. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

A proposal was made to approve the Code of Conduct. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/24. Quarterly budget vs expenditure Review.

Moved to June agenda as figures not fulling inputted.

22/25. Committee reports

Finance – Transaction reports review.

A proposal was made that the April 2022 report was an accurate reflection of the councils transactions. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

EGPA – No update.

Cllr Dogra left the meeting at 20.19 and returned at 20.22.

Planning – Sandstorm studios came to the last meeting and spoke during public recess about their newest plans. The committee fed-back concerns and comments informally. The item will be voted on when it returns as a submitted planning application.

Earthline inspectorate appeal begins 10.5.22. Cllr Harris and Cllr Jefferies will be commenting on behalf of residents.   Statement to be published on council website once read out.

Recreation Hall –  Waiting to move forward when draft architect plans are ready.  Estate are keen to see more information. Funds have been allocated to the architect to begin work.  May and June meetings cancelled so we can meet again once plans can be discussed.

Risk Assessments –

March assessments from Cllrs Dogra and Patel still outstanding. Clerk requested these be finalised as soon as possible.  CVPA and Chiseldon Street Furniture.

April assessments are:

  • Chapel and Museum – DONE. No issues.
  • Administration Officer role – RFO to do with Clerk – still to be done.

May assessments to be done:

Millennium Copse – Cllr Sunners to do

SIDS Hodson Road and Badbury x2 – Cllr Kearsey to do

Correspondence feedback for Cllrs – Nothing

22/26. Items for next agenda.


Cllr Sunners gives his apologies for the June Full Council meeting.

Meeting closed 20.28


All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified


22/7. Direct contact number/email for reports regarding the Firs site shared via weekly newsletter, community FB page and website. Clerk to advise Cllr Jefferies when does she need to provide details in time for this Fridays newsletter.

222/19 Add purchase of NHW signs to May EGPA agenda.

22/22. Move ¼ budget vs expenditure review to June Full Council meeting.

22/23. Add Cllrs Earthline statements to website

Cllr Jefferies

20/16. Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Still waiting for SBC officer update.

21/162. Raise backlog of planning applications with SBC and provide an update on how they are going to deal with it.