Public Recess

No comments from the public.

16/31. Declarations of interests.


16/32. Approval of minutes from 13th June 2016


Page 3 16/25 – make sure reference to Borough Councillor surgery shows that this also includes Parish Councillors.
Page 3 16/25 – Amend Lydiard Park to read Burderop Park.
Page 4 16/29 – Amend £11,000 floor quote to read “under consideration”.
Page 4 16/29 – Add comment to show that a quote for new doors has been received and is under review.

The minutes were then proposed as approved by Cllr Phil Costigan, seconded by Cllr David Hill and all those at the meeting were in favour.

16/33. Matters arising and action points:

Matters arising:

Action point for Cllr Brady from “Matters arising”. There will be a vacancy in the Parish Council within the next few months and a candidate from Badbury will be actively sought.
16/25 – B.Cllr Shaw advised he is happy to arrange a donation to the Patriot’s Arms for them allowing the monthly surgeries to be held there.
Cllr Sunners thanked Cllr Hill for attending the Neighbourhood Watch meeting with him and it was confirmed that the Parish Council would be joining the Community Messaging scheme.

Action Points:

Clerk – 16/8 investigate merging of phone line and broadband – ongoing but being worked on.
Clerk 16/13 – max. number of councilors per subcommittee – ongoing. Steven Taylor emailed again.
Clerk Action Points – Ongoing action – find out what external bodies the PC should belong to.

16/34 Co-opting of new Parish Councillor

Cllr Brady introduced David West to the Council and advised that David lives in Badbury Park. Cllr Wright has plans to step down from the Council in the next few months so this will leave Badbury Park under represented. Once we have the next vacant seat we will actively target Badbury.

Action for Cllr Brady to talk to Steven Taylor at SBC in regards to Badbury currently not being represented.

Cllr Wright then proposed Mr West and Cllr Harris seconded the proposal. All those at the meeting voted in favour of Mr West becoming a Parish Councillor. Cllr West then signed the acceptance of office book and took his seat at the meeting.

16/35. Policing Update

PCSO Rob Dentry attended the meeting.

He reported that over the past 3 weeks no burglaries in the Parish had been reported. There had been some garden thefts such as watering cans.
The new police messaging box has been delivered to Oakley’s Spar and awaits installation. PC Draper is to enquire about some signage for this.
There is a Community Messaging service where anyone can sign up and receive text or email alerts when there is an issue in their area.
Cllr Wright then reported to PCSO Dentry that a vehicle in Coate had been broken into recently and had tools stolen and there was also an abandoned vehicle in the area.

B.Cllr Shaw advised that SBC can remove abandoned vehicles as this is not a police matter. He also advised that any vehicles parked on Council land that are obstructing the view for road users would probably need to be passed back to the police.

Cllr Hill thanked the Police for their excellent work during the recent Fun Day when the road was closed for a procession. He reported they did an excellent job of stopping the traffic.

PCSO Dentry reported that there are groups of young men in the area knocking on doors asking about odd jobs or gardening work. He advised to be aware that legally there is a 14 day cooling off period. Even if the work is done straight away you do not have to pay for 14 days.

The Council were also warned of distraction burglaries where someone engages the homeowner at the front door, often trying to sell services, whilst another person enters the property from the rear with a view to robbing the premises. If this happens then the police advise to call 999 immediately. It is also useful to get any vehicle registration numbers to pass on in these situations.

Action for Clerk to get this posted on the Parish website and also the community FB page.

PCSO Dentry then provided an update on Community Policing. PC Draper will become a Team Leader, PCSO Dentry will move to a different area but PCSO Emma Turner will remain local. A new team member Sophia Best will arrive in November 2016. These changes are all planned for November 2016.

PCSO Dentry then left the meeting at 20.18

16/36 – Community Governance review and Libraries

Libraries – B.Cllr Shaw advised that if Chiseldon PC could work together with other PC’s such as Wroughton to find a joint solution, it would be helpful.

B.Cllr Shaw has reviewed the Cabinet Minutes and believes that the consultation map misses out Draycot Foliat and Ridgeway View. He wants to make sure these areas are consulted as there needs to be as many individual responses as possible.

Ann Richards, Councillor from Wroughton Parish Council was then invited to join the meeting.
She advised that this issue would be discussed by the Cabinet on Wednesay 13th July with a chance to attend at 6.00pm. On Thursday 14th July there are proposed demonstrations outside the Council building.
Wroughton Library will close unless something can be done. They may have to move the location to another building. Cllr Richards thinks the PC’s should work together to stop this. Money and volunteers will be needed if the library is to be saved.

B.Cllr Shaw advised that he had talked to the Chairman of Wiltshire and they realize that closures do seem inevitable. He agrees that volunteers will be needed. This is happening in all local areas. He thinks the Cabinet meeting will set a deadline of Nov 2016.

Cllr Brady advised we need to re-visit this in Aug 2016 to see where we stand. Questions can go directly to B.Cllr Shaw who can pass on to Mary Martin.

Community Governance Review

The deadline for views is 29th July 2016.
If we wish to request an increase in Parish Councilor’s we need to do this by this date.
It was commented that if we retain Badbury Park as part of the Parish then we need to ensure we can include them sufficiently with representation and services.
Cllr West commented that at the Residents Association meeting it was commented on how to incorporate Badbury Park with Chiseldon Parish better. Residents currently pay an annual maintenance fee to a management company which is supposed to cover grass cutting and general upkeep.

B.Cllr Shaw noted that the management company should cover all aspects of upkeep until the development is handed over to SBC.

Cllr Wright advised that the view of the Badbury Park residents association was that they didn’t want to remain in Chiseldon parish.

A vote was then taken with regards to the Parish Council’s feedback on the governance review, and all those present voted in favour of our comments being the same as the previous round of consultation which was that Badbury Park should remain as part of Chiseldon Parish. This was previously voted on in the 14th March 2016 full Council meeting on item 16/172.

Action for Cllr Brady and Clerk to compile our reply by 29th July 2016.

Action for Clerk to list the remaining 2 public meetings on FB and website.

16/37 Borough Council Report from B.Cllr Eric Shaw

In August the Castle View road garage area will be completed. Cllr Rawlings is to meeting with the responsible SBC officer on the 12th July 2016.

It was reminded that tree maintenance is still covered by SBC and that trimming is normally done in September.

The post in the Canney Close hedge is to be removed.

There is shortly going to be a SBC review of councilor’s allowances.

The verges at Coate lane will be invested by B.Cllr Shaw after Cllr Wright raised a problem with them not being cut, from a resident.

The Clerk then read out an email from B.Cllr Sumner in regards to the mini bus service not being a likely proposition any more due to costs involved. Also that SBC are repairing the land in Burycroft and the main road damage near the Old Dairy has been reported.

B.Cllr Shaw then left the meeting at 20.55

16/38 – Parishing schedule of services update.

Cllr Rawlings, Brady and Walton met with Lee from Allbuild recently to work on the contract. New extra areas of work have been included such as Marlborough Road which needs the verges cut.

An update on rubbish – whereas SBC would clear black bags of rubbish left at public rubbish bins, this will no longer happen as only the bins are to be emptied.
Action for Clerk to update FB and website with this information.

Cllr Sunners reported that litter problem doesn’t seem to have improved. It was commented on that the bin opposite the Esso station was to get an additional larger bin. There is a lady employed by the service station to litter pick.

Cllr Brady thanked Cllr Harris and Cabrera and the Clerk for their work on the new parish council leaflet. It was agreed that councilors would handle the delivery of these leaflets to all parishioners.

Cllr Brady also offered her thanks to Cllr Walton and Cllr Rawlings for all their hard work and commitment to Parishing.

16/39 – Review of Committee reports and Correspondence

Finance: Nothing to report and it was confirmed that the next Finance meeting is the 3rd August.
Cllr Walton proposed the minutes as accurate, Cllr Harris seconded this and all in favour.

Environment: Cllr Rawlings met with B.Cllr Sumner to look at the HGV signs for Badbury, the drains at Badbury Bottom collapsing and the footpath at Badbury now being our responsibility along with the verges on Marlborough Road.

Cllr Rawlings has requested advice from SBC on the Parish Council using stones and boulders to protect grass verges from being parked on.

An increase in fly tipping has been reported. It was clarified that the Parish Council was responsible for anything up to a car boot sized load, and SBC responsible for anything larger.

Cllr Rawlings to do further work on the responsibility of footpath maintenance. There may need to be extra funds made available from SBC to cover this as this wasn’t included in our original remit.

Cllr Rawlings apologised about the Canney Close hedge. The work we requested was not the work that was carried out.

Recreation: The Fun day was highly successful with £3800 being raised so far. Kimberley Hale has been invited to the next Recreation meeting to report back if she wishes. Thanks to Cllr Walton, Cllr Rawlings and Cllr Hill for their help on the day. The probation team were out on the Sunday to clear the litter on the Rec ground.
The Water bill for the Pavilion still needs to be dealt with.

The BIOS had 15 children/young people present last week. The FB and website needs updating in regards to the summer closures. Action for Clerk to do this.

Church Fete – the Parish Council want to make a Jubilee Fund donation to this. £500.00 was proposed by Cllr Brady and seconded by Cllr Costigan. All those at the meeting in favour.

Planning: 11&12 Coate appeal deadline is coming up. Action for Clerk to check with Cllr McMurray on our response for this.

Manor house at Slipper Lane. The building company want to close the road to make deliveries and move stone. The Clerk to look at when this planning permission was granted.

16/40. AOB

Cllr Costigan talked the Council through the figures to be submitted to Grant Thornton for the 2015/16 Annual external audit.
Cllr Costigan proposed that the figures were accurate and ready to send to Grant Thornton, Cllr Hill seconded this and all those at the meeting in favour.
Cllr Sunners confirmed that the next Neighbourhood Watch meeting was 25th July.
Cllr Sunners advised he had invited Andrew Nation to come to visit with the Parish Council and share what he has been working on with the Virgin Broadband. Cllr Harris confirmed he had already been in touch with Mr Nation so will continue to be our contact point.
Ref Correspondence, Cllr Hill advised that there is a cabinet meeting on 13th July to discuss the school transport proposals. He believes a lot of parents will be appealing the decisions made.
Cllr Hill raised that when the Local Governance Review comments are due back on 29th July this will be the Parish Council’s deadline date to request an increase to 16 councillors.
Cllr Hill feels that we should request that Chiseldon Parish is no longer warded and an increase to 16 councillors.
Action for Cllr Brady to confirm this with Steven Taylor at SBC.
The Parish Council have joined the community messaging scheme to receive relevant messages about crime and prevention etc.

The meeting closed at 21.41pm