17/32 Declarations of Interest


17/33 Public recess

No public

17/34 Minutes of meeting of 31st July 2017

Page 3 – Correct the time that Cllr Hill left the meeting and add the next meeting date to the minutes.

The minutes of the meeting held on 31st July 2017 were then proposed by Cllr Mills, seconded by Cllr Hill and all those at the meeting were in favour.

17/35 Matters arising and action points

Matters arising: 


Action points:


  • 17/14. Ask SBC if a planning application should have been submitted for the retail outlets at the Esso Station.  DONE.  SBC SAID NO, NO APPLICATION NEEDED
  • 17/17. Clerk to ask after delay on Manor House application 1435. Update – ask if a “New Condition” survey will be carried out.  DONE. REPLIED RECEIVED FROM HEATHER CARLISLE AT SBC TO SAY HIGHWAYS SHOULD DO THIS. CLERK TO FOLLOW UP AND ALSO MAKE SURE WATER RUN OFF HAS BEEN CONSIDERED TO MAKE SURE SLIPPER LANE DOESN’T FLOOD.
  • 17/17. Source a list of valid reasons why a planning application can be objected to DONE – CLLRS HAVE THE LIST.
  • 17/28. Contact planning officer for Esso Station extension as the door is too narrow to allow the bins inside. DONE. LETTER HAS BEEN WRITTEN TO ESSO FROM SBC WITH 10 DAYS TO REMOVE BINS
  • 17/31. For Full council – tree report on all trees owned by the Parish needed. CLERK IS CHASING SBC
  • 17/31. Ask SBC if there is an update on when New Road and Hodson Road field plans will be submitted. DONE – NOTHING YET FROM SBC.

17/36 Outstanding Applications

S/LBC/17/0129 and S/17/0128 – Burderop Park amended plans

The Committee felt that the change in priority of the 2 access roads within the development would be difficult to enforce once in place. Commuters exiting the development will naturally use the exit route that is in their direction of travel. This will have a knock on effect on the surrounding roads and may cause a problem on B roads.

Cllr Hill proposed there be no objection to the plans but that a question is raised in regards to the above. Cllr Mills seconded this and all Cllrs were in favour.

S/HOU/17/1396 – 16 Carrisbrook Terrace. Erection of 2 storey rear extension and 2 metre high boundary wall

The quality of these plans were inadequate as the drawings had no distinguishing features to allow for accurate placement on a map.

Once it was determined that the original front of this properly faced into Norris Close, but was now the rear of the property as main access was gained from Carrisbrook Terrace, the Committee were able to establish the layout and direction of the extension.

The extension will be built on what would show as the front of the property on Carrisbrook Terrace with the 2 meter wall also being at the “front” of the property.

The Committee had no objection to the extension plans but did object to the boundary wall due to it not being in keeping with this narrow residential street.  There are no other high walls on this street. Visibility for neighbouring properties and this property could also be compromised for vehicles when exiting driveways.

The committee also want conditions in place to include: No building materials on the road, no delivery or works vehicles on the road.

The Clerk is to contact the planning office to see how one part of the application can be objected to, and also comment on the quality of the plans.

This course of action was proposed by Cllr Hill, Cllr Henderson seconded and all those at the meeting were in favour.

The Clerk also has an action to email Andy Brown at SBC to ask whether now that the 105 homes in Wroughton has been approved will this change anything in regards to SBC’s 5 year housing supply demand and this parish.  As it stands affordable housing quota’s in rural areas are still not being fulfilled.

This action was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Henderson and all those at the meeting were in favour.

The Clerk is to chase SBC in regards to the letter written to the conservation officers and listed building officers in regards to the changed to Saddlers Cottage on Turnball, with regards to other properties on the same street not being allowed to make the same changes.

17/37 AOB

Cllr Henderson enquired after a later start time for the meeting. It was agreed to wait until Planning, Transport and Highways was merged to see how long the new committee would need to be in session for.

The meeting closed at 20.47pm.

Summary of Action Points


  • 17/17. Clerk to ask after delay on Manor House application 1435. Update – ask if a “New Condition” survey will be carried out.   Clerk to make sure flooding implications are considered for Slipper Lane.
  • 17/31. For Full council – tree report on all trees owned by the Parish needed.
  • 17/36. Follow up with Planning Officer at SBC ref S/HOU/17/1396 in regards to objection to part of a plan only.
  • 17/36. Email Andy Brown at SBC in regards to the 105 houses to be built in Wroughton and SBC’s 5 year housing supply demand for this Parish.  Also in regards to affordable housing in rural areas.
  • 17/37. Chase SBC planning in regards to Saddlers Cottage and other cottages on Turnball and discrepancy in terms of listed building consent.