We’re sharing the following message from Dick Millard:

The 23rd March was a typical Spring day with lots of weather in quick succession.  This didn’t deter a team from Intel, who came out to work at the spot where the Railway Path crosses a byway, Gypsy Lane which is the boundary between Swindon and Wiltshire.  There’s a nice patch of mixed flower rich grassland on the embankment constructed to take a bridge over Gypsy Lane and, as ever, it is being encroached upon by stronger-growing plant

We’ve now removed woody plants, bramble and last year’s stalks.  This should give the grassland and its flowers a bit more space, and the brash pile on the other side of the path will be an extra habitat for invertebrates of all sorts.

My thanks to the team, who worked enthusiastically in slightly unpromising conditions!


Befoe and after pictures of environmental tidying work.