Plans for a new state-of-the-art entertainment venue set to take a step forward

N.B. You can see original article, including artist’s rendering of the proposed venue, here.   Plans to build a new state-of-the-art entertainment venue in Swindon town centre are set to move a step forward when the Council’s Cabinet meets next week (13 November). Analysis by theatre specialists has concluded that Swindon is well placed to… read more

Earthline at Wroughton Airfield – Progress

From Ward Cllr Elliott: I have been advised by Swindon Borough Council that real, significant progress has been with regards to Earthline at Wroughton Airfield. All hardstanding and structures have been removed and the land re-soiled and seeded. In doing this they avoided Court action. There is one feature ( the wheel wash ) which… read more

New National Planning Policy Framework Consultation now open for public input

NB: Chiseldon Parish Council publishes information on services and organisations which it feels may be of interest to parishioners. However, this does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the Council. In addition, please note that we cannot guarantee the security or safety of any external websites. The following information comes from Civic Voice: Today… read more

Neighbourhood Plan – Statement of Community Involvement is approved.

Swindon Borough Council has released an update on the Neighbourhood Plan: “It’s important that people and groups potentially affected by planning policies and proposals have the opportunity to be involved in decision-making and understand when and what the opportunities are. That’s why we held a six-week consultation earlier this year (29 January to 11 March… read more

Land at Hodson Road – Information from Hannick Homes

Hannick Homes has asked the Parish Council to share the leaflet below. Hannick Homes is seeking views from local residents on a proposal for 42 dwellings on land at Hodson Road, Chiseldon. Local residents are invited to visit our website for further details and to provide comment at www. View or download Hodson Road… read more

Late planning application for 25.4.24 meeting

The council will be considering planning application S/HOU/24/0278 – installation of air source heat pump at 4 The Orchard Chiseldon at their planning meeting on 25.4.24 7.30pm at the Old Chapel. This is a late addition under agenda item 8.

Additional items to be discussed at the 25th Jan 2024 Planning Meeting.

The planning committee may consider and vote on 2 extra application at their meeting on 25th Jan, 7.30pm. They are: S/22/1170 revised. Change of use of the Stable Block and Cottage/Restaurant to provide 11no. residential dwellings (Use Class C3), erection of 6no. dormer windows with associated infrastructure and landscaping. At: Burderop Cottage, Hodson Road Chiseldon… read more

Planning for Chiseldon – have your say!

Now is your chance to have your say on future development in our neighbourhood. The Parish Council has completed its first draft of the Chiseldon Neighbourhood Development Plan, which sets out a development vision for the area. We’re now seeking feedback on the proposals, with consultation open between Monday 8th January and Sunday, 18th February. Please… read more

New website lets Swindon residents have their say on plans for Swindon’s future

A new online engagement hub is available to encourage local people to have their say on the Council’s long-term priorities. It builds on a series of community engagement events starting next week and will share Swindon Borough Council’s draft Swindon Plan, which aims to deliver on the administration’s three priority missions for the Borough. Doing… read more