Here is the latest from Sarah Wright, The Ridgeway National Trail Project Officer:

Hope you enjoy reading our newsletter!

  • Oxford University will be on The Ridgeway with a drone this summer.
  • Update on Strategic Links Project – we have a grant to do work on links to 4 settlements in the western half of the Trail.
  • Events for you to enjoy during June to Sept, including festivals, Open Studios, Big Camp and more.
  • Comedian Bill Bailey and fundraising.
  • 2017 calendar of major organised charity and sporting events.

Please also note 18th October for the Ridgeway’s forum being held jointly with the North Wessex Downs AONB – the theme is The Great Outdoors and all our parish and town councils are welcome to attend. It is your chance to meet up, discuss, learn and shape the work on the Trail and the wider AONB….and eat a nice lunch!

Thanks for your continued support for The Ridgeway and please keep in touch about Trail issues relating to your area.


Sarah Wright
The Ridgeway National Trail Project Officer
Working for the Ridgeway Partnership
Twitter @TheRidgeway1972
01865 810248 / 07825 314791

NEW ADDRESS: National Trails Office, c/o Oxfordshire County Council, Speedwell House, Speedwell Street, Oxford OX1 1NE

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Click to view or download The Ridgeway Newsletter.