At the time of writing there were OVER 600 OBJECTIONS to the proposed industrial development at Inlands Farm, Lower Wanborough, lodged on Swindon Borough Council’s Planning site….with only one single “for” the proposal. This is a fantastic result and the highest ever received into SBC for an individual planning submission.

Our thanks to everyone who put in the effort to register their concerns. Even though the “deadline” for objections has passed – they are still coming in. SBC are required to take objections up to the time they make their planning decision so it is not too late to register your objection!

We have reached our half way goal for raising a £10,000 fighting fund, and both Wanborough and Liddington Parish Council have also provided grants totalling £1500 (plus VAT) for the production of specialist consultant advice and reports.

Keep an eye on our website and check notices in public places about the following activity in March

  • a fundraising event that we are organising with a talk by Captain Cyril “From Routine to Abnormal in the blink of an eye – How some airliner incidents came perilously close to being major disasters”… may never want to fly again!
  • a petition initiative, both on-line and traditional paper sign up which will be located in our pubs, clubs, halls etc.

There are numerous encouraging consultee responses to the planning application which you can look up on SBC’s planning portal by searching for “Inlands farm” at Some notable ones are;

  • Masterplanning, Design & Conservation Team Planning Department, SBC: The proposed scheme would cause irreversible harm to the surrounding designated heritage assets and open countryside which forms an integral component of the setting of these assets.
  • Development Management, SBC: a development of substantial scale, in a sensitive rural location, which would create an unacceptable urbanisation of existing countryside….. both phases of the application, or either phase if considered individually, are markedly incongruous in this location, presenting harmful and overwhelmingly adverse visual impacts.
  • Wanborough Parish Council: SBC have “Rejected” this site (under the Strategic Housing, Economic, Land Availability Assessment consultation) …. and confirms there is no evidence to support an employment site at this location.
  • North Wessex Downs AONB: not sufficient to warrant a major departure from the local plan and would not provide any overriding benefits to outweigh the harm caused by major development within the setting of the AONB. It undermines the purpose of Symmetry Park to meet the demand for employment and economic growth.

Please continue with a donation to our fundraising page as there remains the possibility of an appeal by Wasdell to the Secretary of State.

Visit our website for the very latest information as it comes to light, and sign up to receive a newsletter to keep you informed, including any community action that can be taken or call;