Alert name: Road works near Chiseldon Parish

Displaying 1 traffic restriction and 2 roadworks


Traffic Restrictions
Sambre Road, Swindon

23 February – 06 March

Delays likely – Road closure

Name: Sambre Road, Swindon

Location: Sambre Road

Description: Streetworks / License – Streetworks

Responsibility for event: Swindon Borough Council

Current status: Planned

Hodson Road, Swindon

27 February – 08 March

Roadworks, Delays likely

Traffic management: Traffic control (two-way signals)

Description: Smiths Gloucester to carry out works under two way lights finishing the prep works for the resurfacing works on the 6th March. Lights to stay in place until 8th to allow completion.

Works location: Burderop Park House, Mansion Drive, Swindon, SN4 0QD

Responsibility for works: Swindon Borough Council

Current status: Planned work about to start

Works reference: SN00509319225


Sambre Road, Swindon

23 February – 06 March

Roadworks, Delays likely

Traffic management: Road closure

Responsibility for works: Openreach

Current status: Planned work about to start

Works reference: BC008WD0N921P