Option for broadband within Chiseldon

The Parish Council have been asked to make residents aware of the scheme below. We are happy to provide this information but must state that the Parish Council does not endorse this or any other scheme.   If anyone has details of other viable schemes in the area we will also publish them here. Residents should… read more

Police reminder on keeping homes and property secure

The Parish Council have been reminded by the local Police to ask all Parishioners to continue to be vigilant in regards to making sure house doors and windows are locked, making sure vehicles are secure, and likewise all outbuildings are secure. The Police will continue to maintain a presence in the village but all residents… read more

Contact details for Robert Buckland MP

“Robert Buckland is your local MP.  If you would like to make an appointment to raise a local or national issue with him, please do not hesitate to contact his office on 01793 533393 or send an email to Robert.buckland.mp@parliament.uk”

Grass cutting in 2 cemeteries

The contractors who are responsibly for the grass at the two cemeteries have advised that due to the sudden growing spurt (from rain and then sun) the grass was very long which meant the self mulching mowers could not work as effectively as they normally do. We are looking at this with the contractors to… read more

Noise from light aircraft

Please be advised that our Ward Councillors have already investigated the issue with air craft noise around the Parish coming from the airfield. There isn’t any course of action that the Parish Council or Swindon Borough Council can take in the short or long term as no laws are being broken, and the land that… read more

Parish Office closure notice

The Parish Clerks office will not be open Friday 3rd June due to holiday.  It will be open on all other scheduled opening times.   These are: Wednesday 8.30 to 12.00, Thursday 8.30 to 12.00 and Friday 8.30 to 11.30.  

Bobby Van Trust

Just a reminder that the Bobby Van trust can help anyone elderly, vulnerable or disabled with home security. Please see their website for details. Thanks http://wiltshirebobbyvan.org.uk/

Three Trees Farm Shop taster day – Sat 4th June

The Three Trees Farm Shop and Café will be hosting a Taster Day on Saturday, 4th June from 10.00am until 3.00pm.  There will be ice cream, cakes, fudge, relishes, pickles and drinks to try, amongst many other delicious samples. Three Trees – Taster Day – 4th June 2016

Public survey on planters in the village

Public opinion wanted please: The Parish Council are discussing flower planters in the Parish and wanted parishioners opinion please: 1) Should the PC finance some planters? 2) Do we think they will be vandalised? 3) Where shall we put them?… 4) There will need a certain amount of maintenance and watering – would anyone like… read more

Appeal for local residents from 1956/57

Mr Lindsay Tonkin is researching the Hungarian Refugee evacuation of 1956/1957. He would very much like to hear from members of the Chiseldon WVS who provided comfort to the refugees who were housed at the Chiseldon Refugee Centre from November 1956 to Jan 1957. Likewise if there are any voluntary workers from Chiseldon area, or… read more

Please help Eric the Washpool sheep!

HELP ERIC: AN UPDATE Thanks to the generosity of Niall Jones, Eric has temporarily moved to a nearby farm where he can be closely monitored and treated on a daily basis. This relieves the pressure on our volunteers and will ensure that Eric gets the expert attention that he needs. As you will see, he… read more

Message from Swindon Clinical Commissioning Group

Dear all, Swindon CCG is seeking applications for the role of Public and Patient Representatives to be involved in the procurement of community health services. Please share the attached role description and application form with your patient groups and public forums. The deadline for applications is midday on Wednesday 1 June, therefore please circulate this… read more