We met with the Civils (build) team earlier and we are sure that many of you will have seen Openreach vans and workers out there even on Sundays.
The position is that roughly 40% of each main village has what they call ‘ponds’ (areas of build) ready to connect to the exchange in Swindon.

In the Swindon exchange the planners are sitting with the scheme Clerk of Works and plotting the exchange route. In order to proceed to the next step they have to be sure each fibre has the correct connection at that end.

Once these areas are what they call ‘lit’ (live test of the fibre) then they go to commissioning (only a couple of days after the former step) and at that point residents who pledged a voucher will receive an email advising them to contact one of the 26 gigabit fibre providers. Because first connections are getting closer, our next update is on the 14th March. If things move faster we will be notified and will update you again.

Gary Sumner (updating for Wanborough, Liddington & Badbury & Neil Richardson updating for Chiseldon & Hodson.

There has been a delay at connecting both the Chiseldon and Wanborough schemes to the exchange but the build team have been making very good progress with building and testing in Chiseldon.

This means that when the connection is finally ready much more of the village/surrounding area will be ready to go.

So at the moment we are still on track to have the majority of Chiseldon up and running before the end of April.