The Chiseldon Village Memorial Hall Trust is a registered charity which under its deed of trust provides funds for facilities, groups and activities which benefit the people of Chiseldon. Since 2017 the Trust has made grants totaling £13,400 to local causes. The major beneficiary has been the Calley Memorial Hall for which the Trust has made significant contributions to the cost of replacing the flooring, doors and other parts of the fabric of the building. The Trust also contributed £2,000 toward the cost of purchasing and installing the village’s defibrillators. Other beneficiaries have been the Chiseldon Football Club and the Chiseldon Local History Group.

The fund is administered by three trustees, Phil Costigan, Graham Rivers and Paul Walton. The Trustees encourage any local group whose activities are to the benefit of the village and which are seeking additional funding to apply to the Trust for grant support. Application forms are available from the Clerk of the Parish Council, to whom any initial enquirers should be made (