Street Reps wanted!

Street Reps are groups of housing tenants that get involved in the issues that concern them and where they live. They work with us to try and make their community a nicer, safer place and they also get involved with making decisions on how we provide housing services.

We are looking for Street reps in Penhill ,West Swindon, the Railway Village, Stratton and Chiseldon. If you are interested in making a difference call Nick on 07881281845 or email

Young Wardens Scheme a great success

The Young Wardens scheme culminated with a closing finale barbecue and fun sports day at Lydiard Park on Thursday, 30 August and Deputy Mayor Cllr Kevin Parry officially closed the finale by thanking the Young Wardens and handing out certificates.

The scheme, aimed at children aged between the ages of seven and 11, is run by our Neighbourhood Warden Team. Throughout the summer, Young Wardens have learnt about road and internet safety, stranger danger, fire safety and recycling amongst other topics.

Update on new online repairs reporting tool

Where are we with the new self-service online repairs reporting tool? Over the last couple of months some tenants have been involved in testing this service, giving us valuable feedback to make sure the tool is as good as it can be. We are currently making the changes suggested before we go live later this year.

We will send out more information about this service as we get nearer to going live.

Council consulting on the future of waste collection in Swindon

Swindon Borough Council is currently asking for views on how your waste is collected and dealt with in the future. You can visit their website to get more information and fill out the survey.

Government consults on Right to Buy and ‘New Deal for Social Housing’ green paper

Government has produced a new green paper on social housing which sets out how they see social housing working in the future. You can read the paper here and if you have any responses you can send them to by 10 October for us to pass on. The Government is also consulting on changing the rules on what can be done with the money raised from Right to Buy sales. You can see this consultation here.

Send a text to check your rent balance

You can now check your account balance via mobile phone by sending a text.
Providing the mobile number you use is recorded against your rent account by us you can text with the word BALANCE to 07860027224 and a message will be sent back giving you the current balance.
The cost of sending a text to this number is dependent on your service provider and type of mobile phone contract you may have. For a more comprehensive view of your account at

Message from new TASH Chair

“As new Chair, I’m determined to ensure all sheltered housing residents are properly represented by TASH and are given a genuine opportunity to have their say on the Housing issues that affect us all.
“Over the next few months the group will be looking to introduce a number of changes to help make it more accessible and responsive to residents. If you live in Swindon Borough Council sheltered housing and have access to the internet, then why not also ask to join our Facebook Group, Swindon TASH, and let us know what you think!
“Our next meeting will be at 2pm on Monday, 24 September, at the Civic Offices, and we’d love to see you there.
“TASH is your group …. we’re here for you!”

Maggie Hathaway-Mills

For more information, please email or ring Paul on 01793 463677