Placing stones and boulders on grass verges:
The Parish Council have been made aware by Swindon Borough Council that any individual that places boulders, stones or other obstructions on to public grass verges to protect grass from being parked on is legally liable for any damage, injury or incident that occurs as a result of the obstruction placed there. This liability also extends to the Parish Council should they wish to use this method of protecting the grass. We have therefore elected not to use this method to protect any grass verges and our advice to residents would be to remove any stones also to avoid liability. The council will post an information letter to this effect to any homeowner who is noted to be using boulders etc. This is to ensure homeowners are aware of all the facts as presented to us by Swindon Borough Council.
We appreciate this doesn’t assist with the task of keeping our grass verges looking neat and tidy and respectfully ask all residents not to park on grassed areas to avoid ruts etc to help our Parish look nice.
Thank you