What is the Tenant Scrutiny Panel?

Tenant Scrutiny is an independent tenant’s group that aims to have greater transparency in how Housing Services operate and to help out tenants at the heart of the organisation.

What we do and what we have done…

The Tenant Scrutiny Panel scrutinises (reviews) Swindon Borough Council’s Housing Services

Do far the panel has:

  • Reviewed 6 Housing Services
  • Made recommendations to improve services
  • We have reviewed and monitored the actions of Swindon Borough Council
  • Implemented and advised on tenant satisfaction surveys
  • Taken part in quarterly performance monitoring with offices
  • Been involved in preparing the Annual Report
  • Looked at trends in comments and complaints from tenants

We welcome suggestions from tenants for future reviews.

What is the role of the Tenant Scrutiny Panel?

The role of the Tenant Scrutiny Panel, agreed by tenants and Swindon Borough Council is to:

  • Have real influence and opportunities to shape services to reflect local priorities
  • Scrutinise Swindon Borough Council’s performance, identify areas for improvement and influence future delivery
  • Developing their skills and capacity so that engagement and scrutiny are effective

Tenants Complaints Panel

The Tenants Scrutiny Panel currently takes part in the final stage of the complaints procedure, should tenants be dissatisfied with the outcome of a complaint.


Projects already completed and a result of their findings and recommendations made can be found at the Swindon Gov website.

What to know more?

if this is something that interests you or you’d like to suggest a Housing Service area for us to review, then please contact us on:

Email: tenantscrutiny@outlook.com

Phone: 07835743865

Website: www.voiceyourviews.co.uk