Dear Resident
You will undoubtedly be aware that a number of complaints had been received by the Parish Council in relation to vehicles being driven onto the Norris Close green area on a regular basis and the suggestion of adding a planter to the eastern end of the green to prevent vehicles from damaging nearby property and the green itself was made.

The Parish Council has listened carefully to the representations made by both those residents who would prefer that there was no vehicular access to the green and those who feel that there is a legitimate need to access their properties on occasions with a vehicle.

The Environment, General Purpose and Ameneties committee spent a lot of time discussing the matter and felt that, given that the green is used for recreation by children, that damage is being done to property by vehicles regularly entering the green from the eastern end and the potential for damage to the green during wet weather, the council will proceed with placing a planter at the Draycott Road end of the green to prevent vehicular access from that point.

(Courtesy of google maps)

That said, the Parish Council understands that there may be infrequent occasions where access to properties may be required, such as allowing tradespeople to unload or the delivery of large/bulky items closer to the front door. It is felt that the planter will not entirely prevent access to the green, and that in these limited circumstances, vehicles will still be able to access the green from another point.

The Parish Council also hopes that the upcoming works to add a parking layby to the Norris Close green will alleviate some of the parking pressures in the area and that this will also reduce the need to drive onto the green.

As you will appreciate, the decision to go ahead with the installaton of the planter has not been an easy one, however, the council has had to balance sensitive property damage and safety issues against the needs of other residents and it believes that this is the most equitable solution available.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs Clair Wilkinson
Parish Clerk and RFO
On behalf of Chiseldon Parish Council