Agenda Items:
- Attendances and apologies for absence
- Declarations of interest
- Public recess – Note: Residents are expected to attend with issues regarding applications for 39 Home Close and 17 Badbury Lane
- Approval of minutes from the meeting on Thursday 28th September 2017
- Matters arising (not on the agenda)
Action Points
- Peter Rydel and John Martin – Update on M4 J15 traffic modelling.
- Guest speaker Matt Moore from Wroughton Science Museum – Consultation with wider community on plans for new storage facilities, 8.00pm
Planning Items:
- Review and vote on new submitted applications
S/HOU/17/1804 17 Badbury Lane, side & rear extension & external alterations
S/17/1521 39 Home Close – revised consultation – change of use of land.
- Review of SBC’s 2036 Local Plan Review. Committe to agree response back to SBC for vote at full council meeting in December. (Clerk to send document prior to meeting)
- Update from Cllr Hill on SBC’s new planning tool.
- Review outstanding applications list by Exception
- When SBC adopt new land, discussion on future maintenance of the land by SBC
Highway Items:
- Update on M4 J15 meeting with Robert Buckland from John Martin – to be regular agenda item under this committee umbrella
Voting Items
- resident request for road marking at:
CVPA and Rec Ground at Hodson Road to warn motorists of children crossing
B.Safe crossing point for children at both these locations
- HGV testing centre opening Saturday morning – refer to 2015 document from SBC. Can this be challenged via Highways?
Transport Development Items:
- Cllr Hill update from Badbury J15 meeting
- Action group to present the update of list of local traffic concerns. To report back to full council in January 2018
Voting Items
- Review of SBC Transport Requirements for Development Plan. Commitee to agree response back to SBC for vote at full council meeting in December. (Clerk to send document prior to meeting)
Any Other Business:
(Note: items in the ‘Any other Business’ section cannot be voted on)
- Cllr Hill & Clrr Martin report on North Wessex Downs AONB presentation
Supplementary Agenda Information:
Sarah Screen from SBC invited to talk to Planning Committee about CIL in Jan 2018.
Resident at 17 Badbury Lane may attend at public recess to talk about their application.