
  1. Attendances and apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Public Recess
  4. Approval OF MINUTES from the meeting on Mond 26th Nov 18
  5. Review & approve Minutes from public meeting in May 2018 at Chiseldon House Hotel as resident would like a copy.
  6. Matters arising not on the agenda
    Action points.


Voting Items
• Review and Vote on new submitted applications & other matters.
(No planning applications outstanding)

  1. Review & decide next steps for Norris Close layby plans
  2. Review on allocating reserved funds to planning specialist ref New Road SHELAA sites and potential planning application.
  3. Discussion & vote on applying for 99 year leases for Castle View Green area and Strouds Hill green area to protect from future development.


  1. Review planning list of current applications.
  2. Review requirement for a separate temporary grants funds sub-committee to investigate grants available for local improvements. Create committee if required.
  3. SBC have a local plan review training session at 3.00pm on 4th Feb – Need 1 Cllr to attend with Clerk.

Transport Development

  1. New transport Rep will be needed in May 2018 after Cllr Hill steps down (?)


  1. Dykes Mews parking issue – discuss, plus any update received from Ward Cllrs
  2. Safe Passing place on Hodson Road in Hodson – Update from Cllr Walton on Hodson residents views.
  3. AOB
    (Note, items in AOB cannot be voted on)