1. Attendances and apologies for absence
2. Declarations of interest
3. Public recess
4. Approval of minutes (from 23rd August 2018)

Matters arising not on the agenda

Action points


• Review accounts

5. Review Accounts for Sept to date 2018. – see documentation

• Vote on expenditure.

6. EGPA approved expenditure:

• Tennis Club annual inspection report – CPC to pay for fence repairs. See separate document for quotes.

Add any others after 17th EGPA meeting


7. Review details for 2019/20 precept and make arrangements for public communication in draft form. (Final draft figures to be voted on)

Policies & Leases

No items

Staff & HR

8. Update – Hiring a handy man to do work around the Parish. Allbuild charge £16.50 per hour for labour. Charge £9.00 per hour? Discussion & possible vote.

9. Ongoing discussion on managing Clerks workload – various options available – increase Clerks hours, employ an office admin assistant.

10. Any other business. (Note, items in AOB cannot have a vote)