1. Attendances and apologies for absence to be received and approval voted on.

2. Declarations of interest and vote on any dispensations submitted

3. Public recess

4. Approval of minutes of meeting 15th January 2024

5. Action Points

6. Presentation and talk with HeadStart Skillz with regards to their Youth Provision. Their information is loaded onto MS Teams.

7. Parishing progress: No items

Parish appearance and safety:

8. PENDING NEW INFORMATION. Review any update on purchase of 2 benches and approval of any further costs. (Currently waiting for SBC to approve the 2 locations). Install costs required. Item to go to Full council for approved as unbudgeted cost.  SBC have confirmed payment to them would be £25 per bench.   Followed up with SBC contact who will talk to Brian Pinchbeck to get this progressed again (5.2.24)

Building & amenity priorities:

Tennis  club

9. Tennis Club representative to update Committee

Football club

10. Football Club representative to update Committee

11. Pavilion –  No items

12. Rec hall, ground & car park

To approve the costs of £140 for Mason French to replace the 2 external PIR lights that were permanently switched on, retrospectively approved.

13. Discuss and vote on installing ramps either side of the concrete speed bump/flood water prevention at the front of the Rec hall track to allow wheelchairs and mobility scooters.

See additional information for quote details.

Chapel and graveyard:

14. To consider and vote on having a green bin subscription from SBC for waste removed from the cemeteries/minor works that the handyman takes on. Costs £62.99 per bin per year.  See additional information.

Community priorities:


15. Allotment fencing and gate.
To review possible costs to improve/replace fencing, and approve quotes being sought. See additional information.

16. To approve £150 cost to Allbuild to remove a tree that had fallen in the allotments. H&S issue, retrospectively approved.

17. To approve a maximum cost for the handyman to purchase wire to protect fruit trees on tenants plots from deer. (complaints from tenants)

18. To approve quote for ash tree removal at Millennium Copse. See additional information for quote details.

Vulnerable people and Youth items:

Castle View Play area

19. To note the increased costs of play area inspections. See additional information.

10. PENDING NEW INFORMATION – To consider and vote on MUGA goals on the CVPA green area. £12,000 from current years’ budget. See additional information for quotes.

21. Items for inclusion on next agenda (Cannot be discussed or voted on at this meeting)