Note – for any items that are not confidential, the public should request to see “Additional information” from the Clerk prior to the meeting. The information will not be available during the meeting.
Note – for any items that are not confidential, the public should request to see “Additional information” from the Clerk prior to the meeting. The information will not be available during the meeting.
1. To vote on the approval of a committee Chairman for the period until May 2024
2. To vote on the approval of a committee Vice Chairman for the period until May 2024. (Not a legal requirement)
3. Attendances and apologies for absence to be received and approval voted on.
4. Declarations of interest and vote on any dispensations submitted
5. Public recess
6. Approve Minutes from 2nd May 2023. (Note – there was no July meeting)
7. Action points from 2nd May minutes
8. To review and approve the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the committee. See additional documentation.
9. Review & vote on Admin Officer/RFO risk assessment ref lone working requirement. See additional documentation.
Finance –
10. Budget vs expenditure report review. Actions for all committees/full council to be voted on. If required. See additional documentation.
11. To approve the expenditure of up to £150 for the planning committee on survey leaflet and poster printing for the proposed 20mph zones project. To come from their 2023/24 £1000 budget for professional and legal fees. (virement for use of funds)
12. To review allocated reserves as of Aug 23 to see if any expenditure of funds is required before financial year end in March 2024. See additional documentation.
13. To review and vote on the bench costs of approx. £1572.00 and possible £500 SBC fee as approved by the August EGPA committee. See additional documentation.
14. To review and vote on any action to be taken from bad debtor for hall hire. To be reviewed in conjunction with the council’s “Bad debtor” policy. See additional documentation.
15. To vote on a new hourly rate for hiring the Chapel office. (The AM or PM cost is £30). For comparison the Rec Hall hourly rate is £10.
16.Contracts – No items
17. Items for inclusion on next agenda
(Cannot be discussed or voted on at this meeting)