This meeting was declared INQUORATE.

Note – for any items that are not confidential, the public should request to see “Additional information” from the Clerk prior to the meeting. The information will not be available during the meeting.

1.   Attendances and apologies for absence to be received and approval voted on

2.   Declarations of interest and vote on any dispensations submitted

3.   Public recess

4.   Approve Minutes from 2nd January 2024.

5.   Action points from 2nd January minutes


6.   To review and vote on updating the  RFO’s contract with regards to holiday entitlement to bring it in line with the Clerks.  See additional information

Finance –

7.   To consider and vote on distributing the remaining £1749.00 of the grants and donations fund to local groups and charities.  See additional information for details and the councils policy for grants and donations.

8.   If required, to review and vote on any action to be taken from bad debtor for hall hire. To be reviewed in conjunction with the council’s “Bad debtor” policy. See additional documentation.   

9.   UPDATED – To discuss and vote on internal auditors recommendation to maximise interest paid on council funds in savings account. To select a Financial Advisor quote and approve costs to facilitate this. Committee to also vote on approving the risk assessment questionnaire to be sent to Mather and Murrey. See additional information.

10. To discuss and vote on SBC’s request for £2000 expenditure from the PC to create an official map detailing walks in the Chiseldon area. See additional information.

11. To discuss and vote on changing the regular day of the week for Finance meetings to ensure more Cllrs can attend. Wednesday suggested.

Contracts – No items

12.Items for inclusion on next agenda (Cannot be discussed or voted on at this meeting)