Public Recess to receive questions and comments from the public on Council related matters. Members of the public are allowed to address the Chairman for 3 minutes. No decisions will be taken at this meeting. Discussion will only take place when a subject raised is within an agenda item. Maximum 10 minutes

1. LIST ATTENDANCES AND VOTE ON APPROVAL OF APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (Absences without apologies to be noted separately)

2. Declarations of interest & vote on any requested dispensations.

3. Review & approve last minutes from 29.3.22

4. Action points from last meeting

5. Review and make recommendations on the following agenda items. To include referring to Full Council or committee for further work. No votes on actions to be taken. This meeting is called to review the progress of items from the March 2022 meeting. Refer to March minutes.


  • IMMEDIATE ISSUES IDENTIFIED – Items to be considered:
  • Crime Prevention – Project suggested to create a map of “crimes/incidents” within the parish so SMART targets can be created to help the Parish Council prioritise resources. (Street lighting, CCTV, SID cameras etc). Map not received.
  • Youth Facility within the Parish – update on any progress made and recommendations to committee for further actions. Still in investigation stages.
  • Neighbourhood Plan – Currently in progress but can any more work be done to gain public involvement and engagement? Project proceeding well.


  • 1-3 YEAR PLAN PROPOSAL DISCUSSION – Items to be considered:
  • Joined up plan for road safety/usage. How can the council assist with mitigating circumstances of HGV’s, extra road traffic and “rat runs” through the Parish? Update report to be received from Planning Chairman on progress so far.
  • Precept. Sector analysis shows that costs are rising in all areas. How can CPC successfully raise funds required via the Precept/other income streams over the next 1-5 years without negatively impacting the community? Budget and precept for 2023/24 currently being prepared.
  • Climate Change and Climate Emergency – can the committee suggest a list of measures to Full Council to be taken that can help reduce climate damage? Local suppliers used to reduce emissions, changing electricity supplier to “green” supplier”, installing solar panels, more effective insulation and water consumption, online meetings when allowed. Ideas to be brought to the meeting by Cllrs.


  • To consider the councils position of the potential of further services being transferred from Swindon Borough Council. Create a recommendation for EGPA committee/full council.
  • Add new items that should be considered by the council as part of their 5 year plan.

6. Items to be included on the next agenda