You are summoned to the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee

Meeting remotely via MS Teams. Thursday 29th October 2020 at 7.30pm.

Remote login details at the end of the agenda.


1.     Attendances and apologies for absence. Absence with no apologies to be recorded separately.  Vote on approval of apologies.

2.     Declarations of Interest and vote on any dispensations required.

3.     Public Recess.  10 minutes maximum, 3 minutes per speaker if multiple speakers.

4.     Approval of minutes from  24th September 2020

5.     Action points.

Planning: Voting Items

7. Discuss & Vote on S/20/1234 Revised application

Application for Burderop Park, Swindon




8. Discuss & Vote on S/20/1324 & S/LBC/20/1339 for the Listed Building aspect.

Test for Burderop Park House




Further text for planning application, Burderop park



9. Discuss & vote on S/LBC/20/1295 The Manor, Badbury Lane, Badbury. New 1st floor and attic window.

10. Discuss & Vote on SO/HOU/20/1248 Frenshams, Turnball. Side and rear first floor extension.

11. Discuss & Vote on S/HOU/20/1199 Erection of first floor, 2 storey side, & single storey rear extension. Sevimli. 1A High Street. Chiseldon

12. Discussion & Vote on S/HOU/20/1316. 48 Station Road. Single storey front extension.

13. Discussion & vote on guidance document for Cllrs on replying to SBC on a planning application – see document loaded onto MS Teams

Highways: Voting Items

14. Review of the pavement at The Canney in regards to the dip that will be a hazard in icy weather – see additional information.

15. Discuss & vote on plans for a consultation with local residents of the New Road/Canney Close area on the Build Out. See additional information.

16. Discuss and vote on plans to formally write to SBC in regards to overgrown New Road hedges and potholes. (Item requested by Cllr Rawlings)

Transport: Voting Items

17. No items

Items for next agenda

18. (Note, these items cannot be voted on at this meeting)

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