1. Attendances and apologies for absence. Absence with no apologies to be recorded separately. Vote on approval of apologies.
  2. Declarations of Interest and vote on any dispensations required.
  3. Public Recess. 10 minutes maximum, 3 minutes per speaker if multiple speakers.
  4. Approval of minutes from 29th October 2020
  5. Action points.


  1. Discuss & Vote on S/ADV/20/1364. Advertising boards for Burderop Park.
  2. Discuss and vote on proposed street naming plan for new development at Burderop Park. See additional information on MS Teams. (Public to ask the Clerk for this information.)


  1. Discuss & vote on plans for a consultation with local residents of the New Road/Canney Close area on the Build Out. Committee to also vote on costs for printing surveys. See additional information
  2. Further discussion on whether a SID at Hodson is required. (Item deferred from 3 months ago) See additional information
  3. Information only – waiting to hear back from SBC on assistance they can provide for the Windmill Piece and Draycot Foliat layby’s. No quotes received from external companies as a result of advertising the work.


  1. No items


  1. Items for next agenda
    (Note, these items cannot be voted on at this meeting)