1. Attendances and apologies for absence.
2. Declarations of Interest.
3. Public Recess.
4. Approval of minutes from the meeting on Monday 18th June.
5. Matters arising not on the agenda.

Action points


Voting Items

Review and vote on new submitted applications:

6. Vote On: S/18/0516 Retrospective application for 1 Butts Road. Replacement dwelling.
7. Vote On: S/LBC/18/1087 & S/HOU/18/1086 for The Manor, Badbury. Retrospective installation of new windows & internal attic alterations & other alterations.

8. Review planning list of current applications.
9. Update from Cllr David Hill on Day House Lane planning proposal.

Transport Development

10. Update on 6 local areas of concern document – Review updated document and vote on next steps. See additional document.


11. Hodson Road Speed activated signs – update if applicable.
12. Norris Close proposed parking area – Review proposal and vote on consultation document for residents. See additional document.
13. Start discussion on any budget items needed for 2019/20 precept. To be agreed and voted on in Sept meeting. Passed to Finance for their Nov meeting.
14. AOB (Note, items in AOB cannot be voted on).

Supplementary Agenda information:

Committee Members: Caroline Brady (Chair), Chris Rawlings, Jenny Jefferies (Vice Chair), Ian Henderson, David Hill, Matt Harris, Andrew McDonald, Phil Costigan, Glenn Mills.