
  1. Attendances and apologies for absence to be received and approval voted on.
  2. Vote to approve Cllr Ford as a new committee member.
  3. Declarations of interest and vote on any dispensations submitted
  4. Public recess
  5. Approve Minutes from 28th September 2021
  6. Action points from 28th September minutes.
  7. All Committee Chairman to attend meeting to review their committee budget vs expenditure report, and agree on any actions to be taken back to their committee. To include general committee comments on the report. See information on MS Teams
  8. Review and approve any alterations to Responsible Financial Officers NEST pension payment. See information on MS Teams
  9. Review and approve grant request from the Chiseldon Memory Café organisers See information on MS Teams
  10. To note a journal entry on Xero as recommended by Internal Auditor See information on MS Teams
  11. Retrospective approval of costs for new radiator in Chapel office. Costs £448.80 & VAT by CTS. (Old radiator not working)
  12. Retrospective approval of costs for 2 new Cllrs to attend online “Cllr Fundamentals” course at £30.00 per Cllr. Up to the value of £240.00 from training budget. Cllrs Patel and Ford attended.
  13. Review and approve items on quote from Sanders to improve website accessibility. See information on MS Teams
  14. Review and approve quote from Sanders to facilitate an automated newsletter to residents who sign up for the service, plus special emailed updates. See information on MS Teams
  15. Approve approx. £100 expenditure request for a Jan 2022 newsletter for all residents.
  16. Approve approx. £50. Expenditure request for a newsletter targeted for the new homes in Burderop Park.
  17. Approve invoices for THWC group totalling £2400 inc VAT for work done at Washpool in 2020/21 Financial year. See information on MS Teams
  18. Approve adding Cllr Steve Duke as an “approver” of payments on Unity on-line banking.
  19. CONTRACTS – No items
  20. HR. Approve updated Job Descriptions for Clerk and RFO. See information on MS Teams
    (Cannot be discussed or voted on at this meeting)