1. Attendances and apologies for absence to be received and approval voted on.

2. Declarations of interest and vote on any dispensations submitted

3. Public recess

4. Approval of minutes of meeting 17th October 2022.

5. Action Points

6. Parishing progress – no items

7. Parish appearance & safety: Consider increasing the monthly equipment hire costs from the Handyman. See additional information.

Building & amenity priorities

8. Tennis club

Tennis Club representative to update Committee

9. Football club

Football Club representative to update Committee

10. Pavilion – no items

11. Rec hall, ground & car park: To vote on request from Cllr Sunners for the Neighbourhood Watch team to hold meetings in the hall free of charge.

12. Chapel and graveyard: To vote on changes to costs for graveyard fees to include VAT where required. See additional information

13. Vote on approval of transfer of burial rights deed. See additional information

14. Community priorities: Youth Club. Discuss any updates available and plan next steps.

15. Community priorities: Consider and vote on paying further fees for recent CVPA equipment installation. Install took longer than expected. See additional information.

16. Allotments. Request for approval for quotes for allotment rear hedge and oak tree trimming. (Item requested by Cllr Rawlings)

17. Vulnerable people – no items

18. Items for inclusion on next agenda
(Cannot be discussed or voted on at this meeting)