1. To vote on the addition of Cllr James Whitehead to the committee with immediate effect.

2. Attendances and apologies for absence to be received and approval voted on.

3. Declarations of interest and vote on any dispensations submitted

4. Public recess

5. Approval of minutes of meeting 20th February  2023.

6. Action Points

7. To consider and vote if required on whether a Committee Vice Chairman is required before the May meeting where a VC is elected for the forthcoming year. Candidate to be voted in, if required.

8. Parishing progress – no items

9. Parish appearance and safety.

10. Further discussion and vote on any actions to take to combat litter levels in with Parish (Request from Cllr Sunners) See additional information

11. To consider the purchasing of new hi-vis jackets personalized with Allbuild and CPC information. See additional information.

Building & amenity priorities

Tennis  club

12.  Tennis Club representative to update Committee

Football club

13. Football Club representative to update Committee

14. Pavilion –  No items

15. Rec hall, ground & car park:     No items

16. Chapel and graveyard:  No items

Community priorities:

17. Review the survey results to date for the Skate Park Proposal and vote on whether to continue with the project, or alter the project. (consultation not yet closed) See additional information

18. Youth Club.  Review of progress made. See additional information


19. Review and approve a quote to provide ariel photos and mapping of the allotment site using a drone. See additional information.

20. To revisit the allotment hedge cutting quotes. See additional information

21. Vulnerable people – no items

22. Items for inclusion on next agenda (Cannot be discussed or voted on at this meeting)