1. Attendances and apologies for absence to be received and approval voted on.
2. Declarations of interest and vote on any dispensations submitted
3. Public recess
4. Approval of minutes of meeting 19th December 2022.
5. Action Points
6. Parishing progress – no items
Parish appearance and safety.
7. Consider areas to spend the remaining allocated tree works budget before 31st March 2023. See additional information.
8. Consider and vote on request to re-site the Hodson planter. (Cllr Bates) See additional information.
Building & amenity priorities
Tennis club
9. Tennis Club representative to update Committee
Football club
10. Football Club representative to update Committee
11. Pavilion – no items
12. Rec hall, ground & car park: No items
Chapel and graveyard:
13. Consider and vote on request for a Memorial Bench in the Sir Henry Calley Memorial garden. (Request has followed the approved policy loaded into MS Teams) See additional information
Community priorities:
14. Youth Club. Discuss any updates including the on-line survey results. See additional information on MS Teams
15. Skate Park project for 2023 budget. Look at draft questionnaire to be delivered to all homes in the area and published online. Approve if appropriate. Approve budget for professional printing. See additional information
16. Allotments. Review quotes received for hedge cutting (Item requested by Cllr Rawlings) See additional information.
17. Vulnerable people – no items
18. Items for inclusion on next agenda (Cannot be discussed or voted on at this meeting)