1. Attendances and apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of interest
  3. Public recess
  4. Approval of minutes of meeting held 13th July 2017
  5. Matters arising not on the agenda
  6. Action points
  7. Allotments
  8. Dog bins
  9. Highways
  10. Street furniture
  11. Cemeteries & Chapel/Museum: Discussion & vote on proposal to get both sets of Chapel doors (Museum included) repainted.
  12. Environmental Services:
    • Vote on purchases for Allbuild – 2 x hi-vis jackets £16.05 each with logo
    • 2 x magnetic vehicle signs – £35.40 for 2 inc VAT from Enterprise works.
    • Jackets and signs to show CPC and Allbuild logo, working in partnership.
  13. STORM Facilities Management tender: Any update following full council meeting on 14th
  14. Tree report from Rec ground: Report back on SBC advice if any progress made.
  15. AOB. (Note, items on AOB cannot be voted on).