19/76 Public recess. 5 members of the public

Mr Rutland who resides at Ty Clyd on Turnball addressed the council in regards to his planning application which is on the agenda. He believes he has now combatted the concerns raised by Chiseldon PC during the last consultation. He has materials on site and is keen to start work.

No other comments from the public

19/77 Approval of Apologies given


19/78 Absence without apologies


19/79 Vote on Co-option of Cllrs.

Not required as no new candidates had come forward.

19/80 Declarations of interests & vote on any dispensations applied for.

Cllr Rawlings has an allotment
Cllr Jefferies lives at the address of one of the planning application – item 11 on the agenda.

19/81 Approval of minutes from 12th August 2019

No changes

A proposal was made by Cllr Jefferies that these minutes be therefore accepted; seconded by Cllr Bates, all Cllrs were in favour.

19/82 Action points

All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified


17/68 All Cllrs to do on-line GDPR training. CHASE CLLRS – some councilors still outstanding to do GDPR training.
Cllrs Harris, Kearsey and Rawlings have completed their GDPR training

19/51 Create reply to SBC on Redlands potential planning application. WARD CLLR MATTOCK INVESTIGATING


19/45 Cllr Bates to provide the Clerk with name of jeweler to get quote for, for Chairman’s badge of office. CLERK TO LOOK THIS UP.

19/67 Agenda item for Sept – Local plan and SHELAA draft – replies to SBC. DONE

19/72 Talk to Football club to see if they an raise a 50% grant for a defib along with the Tennis Club who are looking for a grant.

19/70 Add to next relevant committee – VE day 2020 costs to be approved. DONE

Cllr Jefferies

19/45 Cllr Jefferies to get 2nd quote for updating Chairman’s badge of office – currently with Deacons Jewelers. DONE – contact could not do the work

19/55 To provide Clerk with location of hedge where a letter is needed.

19/56 Write an article for Ridgeway Bell

Cllr Harris

19/67 Re-send email ref Local plan and SHELAA review for all Cllrs to read. DONE

Cllr Rawlings

19/71 Arrange rubbish removal from Rec ground garage. DONE

19/74 Bring 2 further quotes to full council for further Rec ground drainage issues

19/83 Community Safety. Cllr Sunners

The PCC annual reports are available. £100 million has been released by gov to tackle county lines crime issues. Wiltshire police received none of this funding. The PCC will be addressing this.
Residents are urged to sign up to Community messaging.

July 19 crime stats. 1105 crimes in the area, 16 in Chiseldon Parish. 8 were drive-offs from the petrol station.
Next Neighbourhood watch meeting is 30th Sept.

19/84 Ward Councillor Reports

Ward Cllr Sumners report was circulated via email before the meeting.
Ward Cllr Jefferies reported that graffiti from Hodson & Chiseldon Firs entrance has been removed.
Overhanging trees issue is being worked on. Trying to consult with residents to get this resolved.
Windmill Piece – one property has not cut back hedges as required – SBC enforcement will intervene. Plough Hill pothole will be patched and Thames Water have replaced the missing manhole cover.

19/85 Local Plan consultation discussion on comments back to SBC.

The council worked through the 6 questions raised by the document, which were circulated by Cllr Harris prior to the meeting

  1. Proposed development policies:
    • Positive change to take more note of protected areas.
    • Agree that utilities such as Thames Water under more pressure due to extra homes being built
    • Marked led approach – need to ensure truly affordable and social housing in plans.
  2. Sustainability, deliverability and community infrastructure needs of housing options.
    • Ref Wroughton sites – rat run already through Chiseldon to Wroughton, Royal Wootton Bassett & Wichelstowe. J15 works will make this worse. A346 and M4 J15 already congested. Dayhouse Lane closing will add to this.
    • Swindon in general lacks infrastructure. Could new build be added to Honda site. 370 hectares, and not all needed for economic growth.
  3. Housing sites under consideration
    • The council statement is the same as Dec 18. Cllr Sumner is leading the resident’s consultation on the site proposed at Badbury.
  4. Employment Options
    • A mix of small and large sites, with existing brownfield sites being used.
  5. Employment sites
    • No comment from CPC
  6. Gypsy and Traveller sites
    • Lawful and unlawful entry – vandalism, rubbish and anti-social behaviour
    • Is the site cost effective for SBC?
    • Hay Lane site is effective and looked after. Consider a similar permanent site at Honda site?
    • Work with police and SBC more on enforcement and anti-social behaviour.

The Clerk was delegated the powers to write this report up and send to SBC.
Proposed by Cllr Rogers, seconded by Cllr Kearsey and all Cllrs in favour.

19/86 Planning. 29 Butts Road. S/HOU/19/1242

The council had no objections or comments to these plans.

A proposal of NO OBJECTION was raised by Cllr Rogers. Seconded by Cllr Bates and all Cllrs in favour.

19/87 Planning. West Farm Badbury Lane. S/LBC/19/1131

The council has no objection to the plans but wished to raise the following points:

The original slate roof design was preferred over the new metal roof proposal. Surface water drainage still a concern.
A proposal of NO OBJECTION with these comments was raised by Cllr Rawlings. Seconded by Cllr Bates and all Cllrs in favour.

19/88. Planning. Hillsborough, Marlborough Road. S/19/1186.

Cllr Jefferies left the room for this item and did not vote.

CPC had approved this application on a prior submission but residents have objected. SBC had also objected so the application has been re-submitted as revised.

The council had concerns over allowing 2 extra dwellings in this property would set a precedence which would then alter the landscape in regards to North Wessex Downs AONB. The neighbours have privacy issues and there is a concern over surface flooding and the trees on the site.

A proposal of OBJECTION with these comments was raised by Cllr Rawlings. Seconded by Cllr Bates and all Cllrs in favour.

Cllr Jefferies returns to the room

19/89. Planning. Ty Clyd, Turnball S/HOU/19/1025.

Plans were re-submitted to include CPC suggested amendments.
The skylight has been reduced in height and is now grey and not white
The wall height has been reduced.
The wall changed to stone slip with concrete behind
The extension has been changed to red brick.

A proposal of NO OBJECTION was raised by Cllr Rawlings. Seconded by Cllr Sunners and all Cllrs in favour.

19/90 Planning. 30 dwellings on land at New Road. S/OUT/18/0703

Significant objection from residents. Land was voted to exclude on SHELAA draft doc. Located in AONB with flood risk. Beyond Chiseldon settlement boundary. Large volumes of traffic on busy road. Traffic made worse by removing Ridgeway entrance/exit.

CPC disagree with bus comments from developer and recorded traffic levels. Unacceptable urban sprawl.

30 dwellings = at least 60 vehicles = 120 movements per day. The developers peak time traffic report didn’t include all peak times – only 1 hour AM and PM
The recommended SBC draft number of 3 parking spaces per dwelling should be included.

The Parish Council will therefor object based on the comments above.

However, if SBC do approve the application, then CPC make the following comments:

  • Move exit from site to Ridgeway Road
  • Developer to improve A346/New Road junction with an appropriate traffic measure. The cost was indicated as a barrier for SBC to do this work when it was last investigated. The developer should fund these improvements.
  • Add an outside gym to playground facilities
  • Pedestrian crossing across New Road
  • Green space signed over to CPC
  • Extra parking provision at green area for gym, move existing visitor parking to play area
  • High speed broadband to all homes and elec charging points
  • PC to maintain ground with 5 years of funds from developer
  • No PC involvement with pond, or drainage works. Developer to make alternative arrangements for ownership and maintenance.
  • Consider funding replacement hall on Recreation field.

A proposal of OBJECTION with the above points was raised by Cllr Kearsey. Seconded by Cllr Jefferies and all Cllrs in favour.

The residents at the meeting left at 21.09

19/91 Finance. AED proposal for Badbury

Anonymous donation of £1000 offered. Suggested CPC match donation with £1000 grant.

A proposal to approve a grant of £1000 for a Badbury AED was raised by Cllr Bates. Seconded by Cllr Rawlings and all Cllrs in favour.

19/92. Committee Reports

Finance from Cllr Harris: Nothing to report
Environment, General Purpose and Amenities (EGPA): Cllr Rawlings: Chasing up carpark extra quotes for drainage work.
Planning, Transport Development and Highways from Cllr Harris: Nothing to report.
Grants Sub-committee: Nothing to report back. Clerk to chase the progress.
Risk Assessment from the Clerk: None outstanding

19/93 Items for next agenda

Rotary club Xmas boxes for charity
Recruitment of new Cllrs – what more can be done
Clerk to re-send list of tasks that can be done by Cllrs to help Clerks workload
Chase Allbuild on hedge cutting work – with Mr Walton’s assistance
Open space devoted to wild flowers

Meeting closed 21.19

All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified


17/68 All Cllrs to do on-line GDPR training. CHASE CLLRS – some councilors still outstanding to do GDPR training.
Cllrs Harris and Rawlings have completed their GDPR training


19/45 Cllr Bates to provide the Clerk with name of jeweler to get quote for, for Chairman’s badge of office. CLERK TO LOOK THIS UP.

19/70 Talk to Football club to see if they can raise a 50% grant for a defib along with the Tennis Club who are looking for a grant.

19/85 Reply to SBC with Local plan review comments

19/86,19/87, 19/88, 19/89, 19/90 Reply to SBC with planning with all planning application decisions

19/91 Work on placement of AED at Badbury BT box

19/91 Chase up the Grants committee

19/92 Add all items for next agenda to Oct full council meeting.

Cllr Jefferies

19/55 To provide Clerk with location of hedge where a letter is needed.

19/56 Write an article for Ridgeway Bell

Cllr Rawlings

19/74 Bring 2 further quotes to full council for further Rec ground drainage issues