21/70. Apologies for absence:

Cllr Jackson has a work commitment and Cllr Simpson is on maternity leave. Apologies without absence: None

A proposal was made to approve the these absences. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/71. Vote to add Cllr Ford as a member of the committee

A proposal was made to approve the addition of Cllr Ford onto the committee. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

Public recess.

No public

21/72. Declarations of interest & approval of any dispensations.


21/73. Approve the minutes from 28th September 2021.

No changes

A proposal was made to approve the minutes from 28th Sept as an accurate representation. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/74. Action points


20/26 Work with Admin Officer to set up Unity on-line banking. ALMOST COMPLETE. SANTANDER CAUSING ISSUES WITH MOVING DD’S AND SO’S – WILL COMPLETE MANUALLY. DONE. Unity now set up. Santander acc will stay open for any payee’s who have no received our up to date information.
21/33 Alter contracts for Clerk and RFO as per changes made DONE. CHANGES TO BE MADE TO STOCK JOB DESCRIPIONS. On Nov 23rd Agenda. DONE
21/34 Arrange for Admin Officer to attend FiLCA course. WILL ENROLE AS SOON AS iLCA COMPLETED. Has enrolled. DONE
21/65 Add approval of budget and precept to Oct Full Council DONE
21/66 Advise Came and Co to proceed with Hiscox insurance renewal DONE

Clerk & RFO

21/51 Update relevant systems and paperwork for virement of £1000 from planning legal to training budget. DONE
21/55 Update relevant systems and paperwork for virement of £4500 from unallocated reserves to salary budget. DONE

21/75. FINANCE. Review of budget vs expenditure report from committee chairmen.

The following points were noted:

The insurance budget line for EGPA does not have a budgeted figure. This has therefore shown a variance when the annual insurance is reconciled. RFO to move 25% of the budget figure to this cost centre to reflect the correct apportion of expenditure.

Expenditure figure for the EGPA CVPA maintenance was over acceptable limits compared to budget. This was due to the new flooring approved by EGPA committee for Castle View Play area and is not cause for concern.
Environment building expenditure was over acceptable limits compared to budget. This is due to emergency remedial work being required after the most recent EICR electrical report by CTS. The remedial work was approved by the EGPA committee.

21/76. FINANCE. Review changes to NEST payments for staff

NEST pension payments by CPC needed re-calculating and approving due to changes in staff hours and salary.

It was suggested that:
For the RFO the payment remain at 5% of total salary
For the Clerk the payment be adjusted to 5% of total salary.

A proposal was made to approve the changes to CPC NEST payments to 5% of total salary for both the RFO and Clerk. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/77. FINANCE. Approval of £150 grant request from Chiseldon Memory Café organisers.

A proposal was made to approve the proposed grant request for £150. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/78. FINANCE. Note of journal entries to be made by RFO after internal audit.

The proposed journal entries were as follows:

Accounts payable: £90. Linked to July grass cutting in 2020. We need to ask for a new invoice to be issued by supplier to show the full amount due in respective month they reduced the balance and put a credit on the invoice showing the £90 reimbursement.
PAYE and wages payable variances: 10p and 20p. RFO needs to check when the variances appeared and correct them with a journal.
Historical VAT issues. We can change xero transactions (for Easy solutions) and CFC invoices for this year but for invoices prior to this year, RFO needs to identify how far back the issue goes and calculate the correction and follow process to correct.

A proposal was made to approve the proposed journals and alterations to the Xero system. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/79. FINANCE. Retrospective approval of costs for replacement radiator in Chapel office. £448.80 plus VAT by CTS.

A proposal was made to approve these costs. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/80. FINANCE. Retrospective approval of training costs of £60 plus VAT total for new Cllr training session. Cllr Ford and Cllr Patel attended.

A proposal was made to approve these costs. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/81. FINANCE. Review of quote for improved website accessibility from Sanders.

Costs were:

Userway widget setup 1 Hour £40
Userway monthly subscription c. £45 per month
Document templates 1 Hours £40
Basic colour contrast updates 1 Hours £40
High contrast view 5 Hours £200
Text size alteration 3 Hours £120
Tabbed viewing styles 1 Hours £40

It was felt that the 2 Userway items were not required at this point, but the rest was needed to bring the website up to current accessibility specification.

A proposal was made to approve the costs above, apart from the 2 Userway costs from Sanders. Total cost £440 plus VAT. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/82. FINANCE. Approval of costs to set up an electronic newsletter for the website from Sanders.

This proposal would include an automated newsletter for anyone signed up, plus the ability to send specific one off newsletters for special events/important news.

The proposal details were:

  • Mailchimp account setup
  • Integrating sign up forms throughout the website
  • Configuration an ad-hoc newsletter template which you can use to send out specific campaign-related updates
  • Configuration of weekly bulletins, to be sent out automatically with links to the related news items on the website.

Total cost £310 plus VAT.

A proposal was made to approve the costs above from Sanders. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/83. FINANCE. Approval of £100 costs for a printed newsletter for the whole parish in Jan 2022.

A proposal was made to approve these costs. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/84. FINANCE. Approval of £50 costs for a printed newsletter for the whole of the new Burderop Park estate.

To advise residents moving to the area of the local facilities and the responsibilities of Chiseldon Parish Council.

A proposal was made to approve these costs. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/85. FINANCE. Approve payment of THWC invoice for 2020/21 Financial year for Washpool maintenance work. Total £1000 inc VAT.

The invoices were not sent to CPC in 2020 due to an IT error, so the allocated funds moved to general reserves on 1st April 2021.

A proposal was made to approve the payment of these 2 invoices for THWC from general reserves. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/86. FINANCE. Approval of Cllr Duke as new approver of payments on Unity banking.

A proposal was made to approve Cllr Duke as a new signatory on Unity. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.


No items

21/88. HR. Approval of updated job description for Clerk and RFO (2 documents)

Suggested minor changes are:
Bullet point items instead of numbering
Add signature and date requirement to documents to demonstrate they have been seen and understood.

A proposal was made to approve the 2 updated job descriptions with the amendments listed above. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/89. Items for the next agenda.


The meeting closed at 20.37



21/75 Request RFO carry out changes to budget vs expenditure report as per minutes.
21/76 Advise RFO to make changes to NEST pension payments as per minutes.
21/88 Make changes to 2 JD’s and distribute to staff for signing