Cllr Harris advised the committee of the sad passing of Ward Cllr Brian Mattock.

20/194 Declarations of interest & approval of any dispensations.

Cllr Rawlings rents an allotment from CPC.
Public recess. No public.

20/195 Approval of previous EGPA minutes from 15th February 2021.

The minutes of the meeting held on 15th February 2021 were approved as an accurate representation.
Proposed by Cllr Jefferies, seconded by Cllr Duke, all those at the meeting were in favour.

20/196 Action points from February.



19/155 Ask Ward Cllrs for progress of hedge cutting on New Road. CLOSED. HEDGES CUT

19/180 Talk to estate manager about extension of Washpool Lease. Waiting for further information. ONGOING

19/193 Talk to estate manager about future purchase of land for new cemetery area. Waiting for further information. ONGOING

20/65 Get Grass Valet to re-visit for court inspection with Cllr. ONGOING. NEED TO CHASE

20/67 Look at shared calendar system for CPC and CFC for pitch bookings. NEW SYSTEM DOWNLOADED BUT NEEDS TO BE TESTED.

20/114 Report low water pressure to Thames Water. WILL PROCEED AFTER LOCKDOWN

20/121 Monthly item to monitor opening of CVPA and Rec Hall/field depending on Covid guidelines. CVPA NOT OPEN. REC HALL CLOSED AS PER LOCKDOWN

20/143 Make sure STWFC send over list of requirements for 2021 season. CHASED FOR APRIL AGENDA

20/171 Arrange for Admin Officer to investigate grants for new play equipment at Rec Hall. ONGOING, WORK IN PROGRESS.

20/175 Contact BIOS for update on missing info requested. BIOS WERE CONTACTED. CLOSING THERE SERVICE SO ACTION POINT CLOSED.

20/185 March Full Council. Item for creation of committee for Rec Hall/ground improvement to be added to agenda. DONE

20/187 Ask Mule Creative for quotes for plastic signs for outside gym. DONE

20/189 Ask Cllr Jefferies to ask SBC Planning dept whether planning permission is needed for new chapel path. DONE. NO PERMISSION NEEDED

20/191 Clerk to get quotes from companies to clear chapel drains. DONE

20/181 Cllr Sunners request for project work with the Clerk to be added to March full council agenda. DONE

Cllr Rawlings

20/189 Cllr Rawlings to contact Sustrans with regards to signage on Home Close & Strouds Hill for cyclists. DONE – UPDATE DURING THIS MEETING

Cllr Rawling/Bates

Visit Chapel path to see if there is an easy solution to blocked drain. DONE –UPDATE DURING THIS MEETING BUT NO EASY SOLUTION FOUND

20/197. Parishing Progress

No items

20/198. Re-visit item from December/January/February to approve the final wordage on signs for Strouds Hill/Home Close 45 cycle path ref no cyclists/residential areas.

Cllr Rawlings had talked to Sustrans. They are unable to do a site visit at the moment. Google maps is incorrectly showing the path at Strouds Hill as a cycle path. The Clerk has reported this to Google Maps but received no notification of an update to their system. Waiting for an update on Sustrans on any signage that could be provided.
There are already 2 “cyclist dismount” signs at Strouds Hill but some Cllrs think more are needed or signage painted on the pavement, or a cycle barrier.
Also provide the same signage to Home Close area and consider the swearing issue as a separate concern.
After a discussion it was proposed that:

  • Further dismount signs be provided for Strouds Hill.

Cllr Harris proposed delegated powers to the Clerk to arrange signage for Strouds Hill for the above items.

Cllr Duke seconded and all Cllrs were in favour. Cllrs Sunners to assist
The item will be passed to Full Council for approval as not an EGPA budget item.

After a discussion it was decided that the following was required:

  • Dismount sign for Home Close at the footpath area
  • Suitable additional signage for Home Close asking cyclists to “be consideration” or “you are entering a residential area”.
  • Wait for new directional signage from Sustrans before proceeding with PC funded signs.

Cllr Sunners proposed delegated powers to the Clerk to arrange signage for Home Close for the above items. Cllr Harris seconded, and all Cllrs were in favour. Cllr Sunners to assist once Sustrans have provided their additional signage.

20/199. Re-visit item from January. Request for “No ball games” sign at garage site behind Downs Road.

Cllr Jefferies reported that the request to SBC is still with the Planning Dept. She will update the committee when more information is received.

20/200 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Chiseldon Tennis Club report.

Nothing to report.

20/201 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Chiseldon Football Club report.

Football will return on 29th March. The adult games will run into June. Adult Saturday games are cancelled but there will be a cup competition.
The kids league will finish their season as normal.
The goal posts kept in the club’s compound were illegally removed and a group or 6/8 adults used them for a game of football. The locks have been changed and the goals chained to the fencing. This has set back the ongoing maintenance
work the club had carried out to the pitches.
There is a new grant from the FA for pitch improvements. The club will be looking to apply for it.
A suggestion of lighting with PIR sensors was discussed and will added to the April agenda.


Cutting of hedging around allotment boundary. Cllr Duke chaired this item.

Cllr Harris proposed a £500 budget for the Clerk and Cllr Randall to arrange this work. Seconded by Cllr  Duke. The majority of Cllrs were in favour. Cllr Rawlings did not vote.

This item can be actioned as it forms part of EGPA budget for the current financial year.

20/203 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Allotments. Canopy lift of oak tree at allotments

Cllr Duke chaired this item.

Cllr Harris proposed a £350 budget for the Clerk and Cllr Randall to arrange this work in conjunction with item 20/202. Seconded by Cllr Jefferies. All Cllrs were in favour. Cllr Rawlings did not vote.

This item can be actioned as it forms part of EGPA budget for the current financial year.

20/204 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Allotments. Lid for new water tank.

Cllr Duke chaired this item.
Cllr Sunners proposed expenditure of £95 to Hatch Heritage for a new lid. Seconded by Cllr Barnes. All Cllrs were in favour. Cllr Rawlings did not vote.

This item will go to Full Council for approval as it is not part of the EGPA current financial years’ budget.

20/205. BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES. Replacement of Rec Hall roof.

After some discussion it was decided to move this agenda item to the April meeting.

There are extra considerations over the condition of one wall of the building. Plus, the legal requirement to provide a building for the tenants of the hall.

There is also the cost to remove the building if it is closed and the attraction to those to damage vacant buildings.

A new committee is being formed to discuss how to build a new improved facility and use the Rec field space better.

Cllr Rawlings is to get repair costs for the side of the hall.

Cllrs Rawlings and Sunners to look at the building as a whole with a builder to see what work would need doing to bring the building up to standard for the next 2-3 years.

Cllr Harris proposed that at the April meeting a full list of costs to make the Rec Hall usable for the next 2-3 years should be reviewed. A list of consequences for not doing this work should also be considered.

Cllr Duke seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

The costings provided so far were discussed in relation to the longevity of the building verses the amount spent on it. There was no decision made so the committee proposed to move the item to the next agenda.

20/206 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORTIES – Outside gym advisory signs.

The costs for plastic signs 100x100cm are £94 from Mule Creative.

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings that the Clerk and delegated powers to work with Cllr Sunners on creating a suitable sign at the above costs. Cllr Sunners seconded, and all Cllrs were in favour.

This item will go to Full Council for approval as it is not part of the EGPA current financial years’ budget.

20/207. BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Castle View Play Area. No items. CVPA is now open.

Items 18 to 22 on the agenda were then deferred to a separate meeting on 19th March 2021 7.30pm via MS Teams.

Cllr Rawlings will finalise quotes for items 18 and 19 for the meeting on the 19th March and provide them to the Clerk in  advance of the meeting.

A proposal to defer items 18 to 22 on the agenda to 19th March was made by Cllr Harris. Seconded by Cllr  Sunners and all Cllrs were in favour.

The meeting closed at 21.40.



19/180 Talk to estate manager about extension of Washpool Lease. Waiting for further information

19/193 Talk to estate manager about future purchase of land for new cemetery area. Waiting for further information

20/65 Get Grass Valet to re-visit for court inspection with Cllr

20/67 Look at shared calendar system for CPC and CFC for pitch bookings

20/114 Report low water pressure to Thames Water

20/121 Monthly item to monitor opening of CVPA and Rec Hall/field depending on Covid guidelines

20/143 Make sure STWFC send over list of requirements for 2021 season.

20/171 Arrange for Admin Officer to investigate grants for new play equipment at Rec Hall.

20/198 For April Full Council – approval of funds for Strouds Hill signage & arrange signage with Cllr Sunners.

20/198 Work with Cllr Sunners on Home Close signage once Sustrans have detailed their  proposed work. Approval of funds to first go through Full Council.

2o/201 Add investigation of PIR lighting to April EGPA agenda

20/202 & 203 Work with Cllr Randall to get the most cost efficient pricing on the hedge and tree work at the allotments.

20/204 Add to April Full Council for approval of funds for allotment tank lid

20/206 Add to April Full Council agenda to get gym signage costs approved

Cllr Rawlings

20/205 To get 3 quotes for repair work to the side of the Rec Hall

Cllr Rawlings/Sunners

20/205 To visit the Rec Hall with 3 builders to get details of all work required to allow the building to be used for the next 2/3 years. Clerk to add to April agenda to discuss and vote.

Cllr Rawlings

20/208 Cllr Rawlings to get 3 quotes for items 18 and 19 on the agenda – cleaning the Chapel drains and quotes for the Chapel path to be replaced.