19/156. Declarations of interest & approval of any dispensations.

Cllr Rawlings rents an allotment from CPC.

Public recess.

No public.

19/157.  Approval of previous EGPA minutes from 20th Jan 2020.

No changes.

The minutes of the meeting held on 20th Jan 2020 were approved as an accurate representation, proposed by Cllr Bates, seconded by Cllr Duke; all those at the meeting were in favour.

19/158.  Action points from Jan 2020.


19/62. Get green waste leaflet from SBC for Ridgeway View – via Ward Cllr Jefferies. Ongoing.
19/145. Add outside tap for TC to Feb agenda. DONE
19/130. Deal with smoke alarm issue at pavilion. DONE New alarms installed
19/130. CPC and football club to work on Grants for pitch work from FA. Ongoing
19/137. Ask Ward Cllrs to get SBC to revisit the issue of the dip in the Canney Green footpath. Also item 19/154. Ongoing.
19/148. Add water tank lids for allotment to Feb agenda. DONE
19/150. Present plan for gym equipment to Full council in Feb DONE
19/151. ALL Cllrs to provide Clerk with contact details of new groups to hire Rec hall. Ongoing
19/151. Purchase items for CVPA. Ongoing
19/152. Get quotes for removing concrete and turfing rocker area at CVPA. Ongoing
19/154. Ask Ward Cllrs to arrange road sweeper at end of Canney Close. Ongoing
19/155. Ask Ward Cllrs for progress of hedge cutting on New Road. Ongoing
19/155. Ask SBC Rights of Way officer about path at rear of Drs. surgery/hotel. Ongoing

Cllr Bates/Rawlings

19/132. Ask Hatch Heritage for quote for new allotment water tank lids. DONE – on agenda

Cllr Sunners

19/144. Ensure that Tennis Club and  Football club have contact details for each other. DONE

Cllr Bates

19/144. Ask if Tennis Club have key to extra parking at Rec ground. DONE Yes they do.


No items

19/160 –  VILLAGE APPEARANCE – Washpool lease.

Cllrs requested further information on this item – move to next agenda.

19/161 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Tennis Club report

 Emailed report received: there is still concern over the drainage of the car park leading to the courts.

19/162 – BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES –External tap at Rec Hall

3 quotes received.

Proposal by Cllr Bates to approve the quote from Andrew King Plumbing & Heating for £100.  Seconded by Cllr Duke and all Cllrs in favour.

Other quotes by Simon Graham for £335 and STORM for £138 plus VAT.

In relation to parking problems Cllrs agreed on the difficulties in parking arrangements at the Recreation Ground being enforced and felt the solution lay in both tennis and football clubs utilising the overflow car park that had been created.  Both users have a key to the overflow car park gate for this purpose.

19/163.  BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Football Club report.

No rep present.

Cllr Rawlings advised the committee of recent match cancellations due to the state of the pitches following a period of heavy rain.


No items

19/165 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Allotment water tank lids

Cllr Bates proposed acceptance of the quote from Hatch Engineering – £170 (£85 x 2) no VAT.  Cllr Duke seconded, and all Cllrs in favour.

A second quote had been received from All Build – £425+VAT.

19/166. BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Repairs to Rec hall pedestrian path at Coronation gate

Cllr Bates proposed acceptance of the quote from All Build – £350+VAT, Cllr Duke seconded, and all Cllrs in favour.

STORM approximate quote – £1990+VAT

19/167. BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES –2 external doors for Rec hall.

Following discussion, Cllr Sunners proposed this matter be included as an agenda item for the next Full Council meeting when all Cllrs could discuss the matter with the opportunity to see the current problems.  Cllr Duke seconded, all agreed.

19/168 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – CVPA. Cost increase of inspections.

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings to accept the slight cost increases by the Play Inspection Company. Cllr Bates seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

19/169. BUILDING & AMENITITY PRIORITIES – CVPA – Replacing Rocker flooring with grass

Following discussion and agreement that more information was required, Cllr Sunners proposed that the matter be referred back to the Clerk.  This was seconded by Cllr Duke, and all Cllrs in favour.

Cllr Rawlings proposed that a second quote be sought for the work.  Cllr Bates seconded, all Cllrs in favour.

19/170 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Cemeteries.   Annual placement of flowers on war graves

Discussion raised the issue of cost, precedent and the current arrangement in which the Parish Council purchased and laid wreaths to commemorate Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day respectively.  Following discussion, Cllr Bates proposed that the Council decline this suggestion.  Cllr Rawlings seconded, all Cllrs in favour.


New land requirement for when SHCMG is full.

Cllrs sought clarification concerning the current allocation procedure.  Re the future need for additional land there was agreement that an approach to the Burderop Estate be considered in relation to nearby land.


Handyman taking over graveyard maintenance work.

Cllr Bates proposed that the Handyman take over the works required which involves 3 hours per month at £10 per hour.  Cllr Duke seconded, all Cllrs were in favour.

19/173 Vulnerable people and BIOS

Cllrs Sunners to get costs for public liability insurance for memory café and request draw own from approve grant funds.  To liaise with Clerk

19/174 Items for next agenda

Election of VC for the committee

Inspection of trees for the parish after recent stormy weather

The meeting closed at 20.50.