
Public Recess

No public

17/103 Voting in Chair for the meeting

Due to the absence of the Council Chair and Vice Chair an acting Chair was required for the duration of the meeting.

Cllr Walton proposed Cllr Harris as Finance Chair and Cllr Mills seconded.
Cllr Hill proposed Cllr Walton as ex Chair of the Council and Cllr Rawlings seconded.

A vote by show of hands was taken and Cllr Walton won on a majority.
Cllr Walton then took the position of Chair for the duration of the meeting.

17/104 Declarations of interests


17/105 Approval of minutes from 13th November 2017

Page 2 – change Cllr P Sunners to read Ward Cllr G Sumner on item 17/96.

No other amendments

A proposal was made by Cllr Hill that these minutes be therefore accepted; Cllr Rawlings seconded this and all Cllrs were in favour.

17/106 Matters arising and action points

Matters arising

In regards to Windmill Piece on page 2 of the November minutes, Cllr Hill asked Ward Cllr Shaw if there was any update. Ward Cllr Shaw hadn’t heard of anything but would chase Cllr Cathy Martin for an update.

Action Points from Nov 2017

All actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.


  • 17/76. Ask Ward Cllrs to chase cutting back of trees obscuring sign on A346 Plough Hill. ONGOING
  • 17/100. Remind elderly and vulnerable to not give out personal/bank details over the phone – scammers are targeting elderly. DONE
  • 17/101. Reply back to SBC planning with the committees decision on the 30mph limit at Hodson/Broome Manor. DONE
  • 17/101. Report back to SBC planning the committees decision on S/17/1703 and S/LCB/17/1703. DONE
  • 17/102. Talk to Spar and Patriots Arms about new siting of defibrillators. ONGOING. CLLR WALTON IS GOING TO TALK WITH BOTH LOCATIONS

Ward Cllr Shaw 

  • 17/97. To ask Nigel Hale on the progress of moving the bus stop sign from the hedge at Draycott Foliat.  ONGOING. The bus companies are making sure their drivers know the stop is there. Ward Cllr Shaw has suggested a temp stop sign in the meantime. Cllr Hill advised that now the leaves have fallen, visibility will be easier.
  • 17/97. With Ward Cllr Foley – chase up SBC planning enforcement visit to Esso Station ref advertising signs blocking traffic views. ONGOING. Signs have been moved but still an enforcement issue. Louise at SBC to follow up.

Cllr Brady and Cllr Walton

  • 17/102. To review SBC new protocols and policy documents and report back to Dec full  council for decision on comments back to SBC. DONE

Cllr Costigan

  • 17/02. To re-size the PC logo for documentation. DONE

17/107 Arlene Griffin, Housing Business Development Manager from SBC with regards to the Chiseldon Firs camp

Questions from Cllrs had already been provided to Arlene’s department and answers had been received back which had been circulated to all Cllrs and to the public.
Arlene asked if there were further questions.
Cllr Hill asked why we need this transit site anymore and how much does it cost SBC to keep it open? Can it not be closed for good?

Arlene advised that the site has only been blocked off in the past few years but it is essential that the site is there so that they can move on any other illegal encampment.  In regards to the  blocks at the entrance, legitimate access is needed and so they need to be moved by SBC. SBC believed that it would be difficult for anyone else to move these blocks.
There are no plans to move or close this site.

Cllr Bates asked about the human faeces being left on the footpaths as this is what is most unpleasant to residents.

Arlene advised that in the traveler culture, men in particular do not believe in using indoor toilets.

Cllr Bates asked if there was another solution that the travelers and the residents both finding acceptable.

Arlene advised that there are temporary toilets on site but they choose not to use them.

Cllr Harris asked if the location of the site had been reviewed?  Arlene advised not that she was aware of.

Ward Cllr Shaw also commented that this is a recognized site. He has asked Robert Buckland MP to intervene with this to see if the law can be changed with regards to illegal entry. Can the police be given powers to move them on in these situations.

SBC should be in court by the end of Jan 2018 to evict the travelers.

Ward Cllr Shaw advised that Sustrans own and manage the pathways and that he had passed on to the PC the contact details from Philip Martlew for Sustrans to the PC.

Arlene advised that Steve Kensington at SBC will advise Sustrans of the situation and Ward Cllr Shaw also asked if Steve could talk to Philip Martlew.   Ward Cllr Shaw would like for the Chair and Clerk of the PC to be able to contact Sustrans direct.

Cllr Hill asked about the current Allbuild invoice for cleaning the pathways and who would pay for it. Arlene confirmed that SBC are expecting that invoice to be passed to them for payment.

Arlene will also get the back access to this site checked as Cllr Rawlings advised it is not secure.

Arlene confirmed that in the future SBC and Sustrans will coordinate to deal with the clean-up of the paths.    Ward Cllr Shaw requested specific names of residents who had reported the mess.  The Clerk advised that a list of names had already been sent to Steve Kensington via a FB feed.

Arlene Griffin left the meeting at 20.14

17/108 Ward Councillors reports

Ward Cllr Shaw’s and Foley’s report

Streetsmart & Highway

Double Yellow Lines New Road/Turnball – the road has to be dry so due to the current inclement weather the work cannot take place until conditions have changed.

Verges & Grips

The verges between the entry sign to Chiseldon from Hodson Road were cleared shortly  after the gas board left but I’ve asked for another inspection because they are as bad as ever due to HGVs & tractors trying to keep to their side of the road and not succeeding. I don’t know what can be done given that the B4005 is a very well used road. The other problem being the speed of vehicles although there are warning signs on the ground and notices. The section by the copse upto Home Close is being eroded  – some sections more than others – and the verge is narrow. The “grips” are due to be cleared next month.

Junction of High Street & Church Street

officers agreed to replace damaged signs and put up a second culdesac sign in Church Street. I’ve also asked if the weight restriction sign in High Street can be made more obvious. Officers are already looking at the current placing of a similar sign restricting HGVs on Marlborough Road from entering Butts Road.

Butts road resurfacing 9/1/18 – 11/1/18 

At a recent site meeting officers indicated that all of the road would be resurfaced but after discussion about the area alongside “The Limes” and the danger of using a heavy roller next to the house a final decision has yet to be made.

NB Butts Road is on list of roads to be completed during December 2017 & January 2018. If those roads in December aren’t resurfaced on the given dates and/or there’s inclement weather then the proposed dates may be changed.


The layby outside 89 – 93, New Road has been completed.


Notification of a Planning Application at Burdeop Park has been received ( comments by 19/12/2017). However a date has not been agreed for the plans to go before the Borough Planning Committee.

Travellers at the Firs

They “have been served with a Trespass Notice with direction to leave the site by 29/12/17 or formal legal action will commence”. The Borough Solicitor hopes to have the necessary evidence “lodged at Court by the 10th. January 2018”.

Verge Parking

The problem of verge/pavement  parking within the Parish has arisen on a number of occasions. I have informed The Clerk that SBC were going to look into the problem across the Borough. Following an email from the Cabinet Member for Highways who states that “I can confirm that we are looking at all options to address inconsiderate, antisocial and illegal parking. It won’t be a single solution” – eg SBC now has an enforcement camera car but only in school safety zones.

Ward Cllr Shaw also advised that he has requested a grit bin be installed at Downs Road in Chiseldon.

The fallen tree branch at Hodson has been reported.

The grips are damaged also on Hodson Road leaving Chiseldon. There isn’t a lot of room for HGV’s to maneuver due to the narrowness of the road.

Cllr Hill asked about the damaged road sign at High Street. Ward Cllr Shaw advised they will be replacing the site but not sure about the location yet. The other side of the road may not be possible due to buried utility cables.

He is also trying to get the 7.5tonne weight limit sign moved from near the old ElmTree pub on the other end of High Street, to make it more visible before vehicles turn.

Ward Cllr Shaw advised there is some concern over the Butts Road resurfacing due to 1 High Street which is listed and doesn’t have foundations. Don’t want the large roller causing damage. They might be using a smaller roller that doesn’t cause damage with vibrations.

The bank alongside 1 Butts Road is the responsibility of the home owner to maintain. The contractor doing the work is going to first clear away the leaf debris and sludge from the edges of the road to ensure the new road surface is as wide as possible. There is no need for a volunteer resident work force now.  The road might be closed on 8th Jan to clear it.

Ward Cllr Shaw left the meeting at 20.29

17/109 SBC Policies and Protocols document review

Cllr Walton and Cllr Brady had been tasked with reviewing these documents.

Cllr Walton reported that the documents are useful with a good set of rules included, however he and Cllr Brady were worried about the methods used to police these policies. There needs to be a protocol in place to make it all work. There was a small query on the £50 limit of gift reporting – why not all gifts?

Cllr Walton proposed that the Parish Council report back to SBC that the policies are protocols are considered acceptable by the PC but there needs to be a protocol in place to police it.  Cllr Mills seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

17/110 SBC 2036 Local Plan review

The council had previously had the document circulated for review.

The comments were:

  • There appears to be no clear plan to provide infrastructure to developments, or encourage future business assets to enhance a newly formed population area.
  • The knock on effects to this lack of planning will be felt by neighbouring communities for many years to come.
  • There are no future funds being set aside to deal with these issues – such as extra road required, repairs to roads that are being damaged due to extra traffic and support for local areas now used as rat runs due to a lack of new roads for new developments.
  • Cannot see a practical way of this plan being delivered.
  • These proposals are not enforcable if challenged via the planning process.
  • The Swindon and Wiltshire plans should tie in with each other. Any mutual cross border agreement holds no weight in law.

Cllr Harris proposed that the Clerk send these comments back to SBC.  Cllr Rawlings seconded this and all Cllrs were in favour

17/111 Proposed letter to Robert Buckland MP in regards to Chiseldon Firs

The draft letter had been circulated to all Cllrs for review before the meeting.

A discussion was held in light of Arlene Griffin’s previous update as to whether the council need to follow the SBC complaints procedure first should the PC feel the matter hasn’t been sufficiently handled. It was suggested at this stage that Robert Buckland may just pass the issue on to Ward Cllrs for follow up.

Cllr Harris proposed that the sending of the letter be postponed for now.  Cllr Rawlings seconded this and all Cllrs were in favour.

17/112 Letter to SBC Solicitors supporting the eviction of the illegal travellers at the Chiseldon Firs Site

The council had been presented with 3 options for the regular safety inspections of the Castle View Play Area.  The proposal was for either the Clerk or Cllr(s) to attend training or outsource this work.

STORM had provided a quote which had been circulated prior to the meeting, the details of a RoSPA approved course for Clerk or Cllrs had been circulated and costs from HAGS had been circulated.

Cllr Walton had a preference for an external company to do this work due to any liability held.

Cllr Harris advised that the Clerk would have greater protection from liability as an employee than a Cllr would.

It was discussed that both external options were very costly but if the Clerk was trained then it would be a one off cost.

The Clerk would be able to have powers to close down the CVPA if it was felt an area was unsafe, and if the Clerk were away for any reason an outside company could be drafted in to do checks.

Cllr Bates proposed that the Clerk attending the training session and do the CVPA inspections once trained.  Cllr Mills seconded this and all Cllrs were in favour.

Cllr Hill requested that the Finance Committee discuss possible payments to the Clerk for this extra work. Cllr Harris confirmed it can be added to the finance agenda for discussion.

17/114 Community Safety

Nothing to report

17/115 Review of Committee minutes and documents


Cllr Harris advised that a lot of new payments had recently been signed off.  The rental figure for the Tennis Club had been approved and sent to the TC Chair and Trustee. The Trustee has confirmed receipt of the documents.

The next Finance meeting on 4th Jan will approve the precept. This will then be approved in the Jan full council meeting.

The total tax base has decreased due to homes in Badbury Park no longer being part of the Parish.

There were no questions on the Nov 2017 figures.

Cllr Hill asked about the committee not approving the £2000 requested by Wroughton to help with the library provision. The library is lowering its hours from 15 to 11.    Cllr Harris re-confirmed the committee’s stance that the percentage of Chiseldon parish users was so low that a £2000 grant wasn’t felt to be cost effective to the parishioners.  The Clerk has written to Ward Cllrs to see if there is a grant available for a local book exchange.

Environment, General Purpose and Amenities (EGPA)

The Chair was not in attendance to make a report and the VC did not attend the meeting in November.

The Clerk has an action to go back to Allbuild about the allotment water tank lids as they are not yet in place.

Transport report from Cllr Hill:

The Xmas and New Year report is out and advises on bus services during this time.  There was one error in that there are some services on Xmas eve and NY eve.

Planning, Transport, Development and Highways

Cllr Rawlings reports that Whichway in Badbury is to be voted on in the next committee meeting and new amended plans are in for Burderop Park. There is no word yet on any CIL funds. The houses have gone from 79 to 76.

17/116. AOB

Cllr Harris requests that a letter be written to John Martin to thank him for his work as a Cllr.

Cllr Hill noted that the National Spring Clean is coming round again soon so we need to get organized. The Clerk has already registered the Parish Council to take part.

Meeting closed at 21.18

Summary of Action Points


  • 17/76. Ask Ward Cllrs to chase cutting back of trees obscuring sign on A346 Plough Hill. ONGOING
  • 17/109. Report back to SBC with the Parish Councils comments on the policies and protocols review.
  • 17/110. Report back to SBC with Parish Councils comments on the 2036 local plan review.
  • 17/112. Send approved letter to SBC solicitors in support of removal of travelers from Chiseldon Firs site.
  • 17/113. Book the Clerk on the RoSPA playground inspection course and add future payments to the next finance agenda.
  • 17/115. Talk to Allbuild about allotment water tank lids
  • 17/116. Send letter to John Martin from the PC thanking him for his work as Cllr

Cllr Walton

  • 17/102. Talk to Spar and Patriots Arms about new siting of defibrillators. Cllr Walton is to take this on.

Ward Cllr-Shaw

  • 17/97. To ask Nigel Hale on the progress of moving the bus stop sign from the hedge at Draycott Foliat. ONGOING
  • 17/97. With Ward Cllr Foley – chase up SBC planning enforcement visit to Esso Station ref advertising signs blocking traffic views. ONGOING