
18/01 Declarations of Interest

Cllr Clarke is a member of the Football Club

Public recess:

No public

18/02 Approval of previous Environment, General Purpose and Amenities minutes from 19th March 2018

No changes

The minutes of the meeting held on 19th March 2018 were approved as an accurate representation, proposed by Cllr Jefferies, seconded by Cllr Walton; all those at the meeting were in favour.

18/03 Matters Arising & Action Points for EGPA Committee

Matters Arising


Action Points from March 2018


  • 17/102. Make sure new play equipment at CVPA is covered by insurance. ONGOING. Need to calculate new for old costs for all equipment.  DONE.  CURRENT LEVEL OF COVER IS SUFFICIENT. PLAY INSPECTION COMPANY VALUATION SAME AS INSURANCE COVER
  • 17/116. Arrange for Probation team to clear the sludge at the road edge at The Canney.  ONGOING CLLR  WALTON AND HILL TO MEET  ON SITE
  • 17/123. Create a new allotment lease to include Maintenance of trees on plots, planning of new trees and containment of roots. Exit conditions of the plot and charges for rectifying plot. ONGOING
  • 17/136. Investigate whether the PC need to do PAT testing on TC flood lights. ONGOING. DONE. ADDED TO STORM NEXT 5 YEAR TEST PLAN
  • 17/141. Ask SBC for the current policy on enforcing fines for fly tipping from homes. ONGOING. CLERK TO RAISE WITH WARD CLLRS
  • 17/141. Further follow up with SBC on library funding. ONGOING
  • 17/144. Provide Mike Ash at SBC with details of drainage needs at The Canney. ONGOING – WAITING FOR PROBATION TEAM TO CLEAR THE AREA.
  • 17/144. Tree at The Canney needs cutting back – report to Ward Cllrs. UPDATE – ON PRIVATE LAND. CLERK TO WRITE TO HOMEOWNERS
  • 17/107. Add regular agenda item of Vulnerable people and BIOS to agenda. DONE
  • 17/154. Ask Kevin at KT electrical to look at PIR at Rec Hall, not working. CLERK TO FOLLOW UP. DONE.  QUOTE TO BE RECEIVED TO RECTIFY.
  • 17/157. Write to homeowner at corner of Turnball/Slipper Lane to ask about brambles being cleared back. DONE – WRITTEN TO CHISELDON COTTAGE.
  • 17/168. Buy man hole cover keys x 2. DONE. THEY ARE WITH CLLR RAWLING
  • 17/159. Request Allbuild secure allotment water tank covers to stop them blowing into the tanks. ONGOING. CLERK TO CHASE
  • 17/160. Get a quote from Countrywide on Badbury Grounds Clearance. Add to April agenda. DONE.
  • 17/161. Invite TC rep to April EGPA meeting. DONE, JULIE PORTE IN ATTENDANCE.
  • 17/163. Advise STORM to go ahead with inspection chamber work at Rec Hall for water heater.  DONE
  • 17/165. Change wheelie bin over to smaller bin with Grist. DONE
  • 17/168. Ask iDec for quote to replace 2 Rec Hall doors and also edging in stone/brick rather than wood. DONE
  • 17/170. Add survey on FB  page ref CVPA equipment and gather prices for new see saw. Add to April agenda. DONE
  • 17/171. Talk to Tennis Club and netball about lease terms of use of the courts. ONGOING BUT MAKING PROGRESS

Cllr Watson:

  • 17/150. Request probation team clear the drain at the Tennis Club. DONE

Cllr Sunners: 

  • 17/139. Talk to table tennis organisers to see how their match on the new Rec Hall flooring was. CLOSING AS EMAILED BUT HEARD NOTHING BACK.

Cllr Clarke: 

  • 17/169. Ask Sam Merrett and Marcus to meet at Rec ground to discuss specifics of the work on a 2 year contract basis. DONE
  • 17/171. Pass vehicle details to Clerk of verge parking on New Road.DONE

Cllr Bates:

  • 17/170. Get quote for repairing red wooden sides of slide at CVPA. DONE. CLLR BATES RECOMMENDS REPAIRS.

18/04 Tennis Club update from Julie Porte

The new season started 1st April – trying to recruit new members. They have offered free coaching to all new members from the grant funding they received to try to gain new members.

In the last week new people have joined and new people are showing an interest.

They have had 1000 flyers printed off to be delivered to Alexandra Park, Old Town, Badbury Park, and then Obgourne St George.

There are new Tennis courts in Marlborough which isn’t helping with new members.

A member of the club is adding a monthly report to the Ridgeway Bell and Wroughton Monthly.  Cllr Brady suggested providing flyers to hotels and B&B’s to encourage more public court hire.

Fiona Allen from the netball club met with Julie to discuss netball on Monday or Wednesday evenings. Wednesday is the best night for them. They may try this and see how it goes. Fiona is also going to ask about the school courts.

A new padlock is needed for the inner gate. The Clerk will deal with this.

The club will still apply for funds for a defib for the Rec area. Cllr M Clarke will help with this.

There is a Great British Tennis Weekend on Sat 12th May. There will be free coaching, cardio tennis, BBQ and all the family are welcome.

They will help the Parish Council with the church fete and provide something for the tombola and have a display on the table.

Cllr Brady advised that earlier that day Cllrs had been on a site visit with the Countrywide contractors inspecting the rec field. A Tennis Club promotional banner was seen draped across Parish Council fencing. The Tennis Club had previously been advised not to erect promotional banners on fencing around the courts due to the damage caused last year when the banner acted as a sail in high winds and buckled the fencing, incurring significant cost. Any display of banners the Parish Council had explained would be at the Tennis Club’s own risk. However as this banner over looking the Rec field was actually on Parish Council fencing it was removed immediately

Cllr Sunners asked if next time the club could be notified of this in advance. Cllr Brady reminded Cllr Sunners that the prompt removal of the banner was to protect parish property, as any funding to repair the fencing would require the use of public funds. The Tennis Club was advised that the banner was with the Clerk and would be returned immediately to the club.

The Tennis club are concerned over net damage and court surface damage if netball is played on the ‘ public court’. The Tennis Club reported that there needs to be enough funds made to make it a worthwhile addition. The Clerk is to ask Nationwide how much they charge for court hire. The Tennis Club was requested to attend the Finance Committee to discuss the contractual and financial arrangement between Tennis Club and Netball group.

Julie Porte leaves at 20.11

18/05 Parishing

Countrywide have damaged the Rec field and pitches by getting a mower stuck and towing it out with a tractor. Chair of the Council and Environment together with the Clerk arranged a site visit with Countrywide to review and discuss repairs to the rec field.

It was confirmed that the damage was due to the field not being walked properly first. There will be costs to the football club for alternative pitch hire.

Countrywide are repairing the damage and also crediting the month of May costs for all mowing to our account. Repairs will be free of charge.

The club has 7 games left to play at £85.00 per game. The council will refund these costs minus the £33.00 that they would pay for our pitch hire.

18/06 Village Appearance – Badbury ground clearance, Resident request

The 3 quotes were reviewed. Allbuild £400, Countrywide £1350 with VAT and Morgan Trees £1400 no VAT.

A proposal was made by Cllr Hill to accept the Allbuild quote. Cllr Walton seconded this proposal and all Cllrs were in favour. 

The Clerk will meet with Allbuild on site to confirm the work.

18/07 Village Appearance – Grass cutting at CVPA, Rec ground and cemeteries

3 quotes have been received from Allbuild, Countrywide and Envisage. The decision is going to be moved to the next EGPA meeting as the Clerk needs to talk to Envisage further as we have not used them before. Need to ask about their prices and service in more detail.  Will also wait for Countrywide to fix the Rec ground and then ask them to re-quote.

18/08 Village Appearance – 2 new planter locations

It was suggested that the 2 new planters be put at Draycot Foliat, either end. The Committee was in agreement with this.

The Clerk is to make arrangements for this.

18/09 Building & Amenities Priority – Recreation Hall Footpath repairs

iDec had quoted £100 to replace the rotten wood on the path.    Brick or stone repairs are too expensive.

A proposal was made by Cllr Walton to accept the iDec quote. Cllr Jefferies seconded this proposal and all Cllrs were in favour. 

The Clerk is to also find out about the type of fire doors required at the Rec Hall and whether the other iDec quote includes painting inside and out.

18/09 Building & Amenities Priority – Table Tennis Flooring

The table tennis club are still enquiring about the carpet in the hall and whether it can be changed back to vinyl. We cannot change back to vinyl and current sports flooring for temporary use is cost prohibitive.

The club want to move the curtains and add extra lights – the Clerk has confirmed they are authorised to do this.

The club will be invited to the next EGPA meeting.

The Clerk is to investigate more about removable sports flooring that is laid in interlocking squares.

18/10 Community Priority – CVPA improvements

The improvements to the Castle View play area was deferred to the next meeting.

18/11 Community Priority – Football Club update

Matt Clarke reported as the club rep.

The garage has been tidied and the softball equipment is now in there.

The club would like to contribute £150 to the purchase of the Xmas tree and lighting costs for the 2018 tree. They will arrange a sign to show their sponsorship. This was gratefully accepted by the committee.

They are holding a raffle to raise funds on 12th May.

The club want to create a compost area near the pavilion for the excess grass cuttings. The committee were in agreement that this is acceptable.

18/12 Vulnerable people and BIOS

The BIOS van is back on a Thursday evening now that schools are back from Easter holidays.

There is an ongoing situation with a vulnerable person in Chiseldon which SBC are trying to resolve. The Clerk has offered whatever assistance the Parish Council can provide and receives updates.

18/13 Any Other Business

Cllr Sunners commented that yellow paint had been used to mark pot holes in Station Road and Castle View Road so hopefully repairs are imminent.

The next meeting will be the June date due to extra meetings in May.

The meeting closed at 21.05


Summary Of Action Points


  • 17/116. Arrange for Probation team to clear the sludge at the road edge at The Canney.  ONGOING CLLR  WALTON AND HILL TO MEET  ON SITE
  • 17/123. Create a new allotment lease to include Maintenance of trees on plots, planning of new trees and containment of roots. Exit conditions of the plot and charges for rectifying plot. ONGOING
  • 17/141. Ask SBC for the current policy on enforcing fines for fly tipping from homes. ONGOING. Ask Ward Cllrs to find answer
  • 17/141. Further follow up with SBC on library funding. ONGOING
  • 17/144. Provide Mike Ash at SBC with details of drainage needs at The Canney
  • 17/144. Tree at The Canney needs cutting back – On private land, Clerk to write to homeowners
  • 17/159. Request Allbuild secure allotment water tank covers to stop them blowing into the tanks. CLERK TO CHASE
  • 17/171. Talk to Tennis Club and netball about lease terms of use of the courts. ONGOING
  • 18/04. Purchase new padlock for inner tennis club gate
  • 18/04. Ask Nationwide contact how much they charge for netball use
  • 18/06. Meet with Allbuild to finalise Badbury clearance work
  • 18/07. Talk to Envisage to get more details on their grass cutting quote
  • 18/08. Arrange with SBC for 2 new planters to be approved for Draycot Foliat
  • 18/09. Ask insurance company about requirements for Rec Hall doors
  • 18/09. Invite table tennis club to next EGPA meeting
  • 18/09. Investigate portable sports flooring in interlocking squares.